Rice Steps For New Converts

Dr John R Rice’s small book on new converts, setting out the steps he sees as good for them. Assurance of Salvation, Baptism, Young Children, Prayer Life, and Giving and Soul-Winning (Evangelism).

Winslow Our God v2

Our God by Octavius Winslow is a 10 chapter look at some of the characteristics of God himself. Love, Hope, Patience, Comfort, Grace, Holiness, peace, Light, etc.

Hodge, Charles – Systematic Theology (3 Vol in 1 Module) 1.0

Charles Hodge’s great systematic theology work is a well known Reformed/Calvinist theology. It is extensive.

Franklin – Hermeneutics Class Notes

These are Al Franklin Hermeneutics Class Notes for Hermeneutics from Shasta Bible College

Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation theWord

Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation is a study by Chafer (Congregationalist) on Salvation. This work begins with a study on the word “salvation”, and then a study on the divine estimate of the Lost. This is followed by the three-fold message of the Cross, the present values of the Cross to the unsaved, the one condition of Salvation, the riches of Grace in Christ Jesus, Assurance, Rewards or the place of Christian Works, eternal security of the believer-doubtful passages, eternal security of the believer-doctrine of Scripture, and an appeal.

Miller – Systematic Fasting

Systematic Fasting is a work by Wesleyan James Miller in which he studies biblical fasting, extracting some principles from Scripture to guide those who would like to practice fasting in their own spiritual life. Chapters mention false and true fasting, prayer, objections to fasting, etc.

Bryan, Ruth – Gleanings from the Inner Life of Ruth Bryan

Gleanings from the Inner Life of Ruth Bryan “Your eyes shall see the King in His beauty.”—Isa_33:17

Corlett Baptism With The Holy Ghost

Corlett in his book Baptism with the Holy Ghost or Baptism with the Holy Spirit looks at various important points in the biblical narrative on the subject. The Need, God’s desire to possess His temple, death to the flesh, enduement with power, etc.

Towns Names of Holy Spirit

Towns Names of the Holy Spirit is a landmark work in the studies of the Holy Spirit as it is an exhaustive listing of all the names of the Holy Spirit broken up by type, and an appendix of an alphabetical summary list.

Arnold -The Christian Life: Its Course, Its Hindrances, and Its Helps.

This is a 30 chapter work on various passages of Scripture about the Christian Life.

Chafer Kingdom in History and Prophecy

Chafer Kingdom in History and Prophecy is a study of the Kingdom of God concept in history and prophecy.

Plumer, William S. – Grace of Christ

Plumer’s work, the Grace of Christ, deals with various aspects of our salvation such as regeneration, justification, sanctification, and other issues related to these.

Luginbill Satanic Rebellion

Understanding the devil’s revolt is essential background for any study of eschatology.  This series examines the causes and conditions of Satan’s rebellion and fall, God’s judgment on the world as a result and the Genesis Gap, the purpose, creation and fall of Man, the devil’s present tactics and world system, and the course of human history in God’s plan of seven millennial days.