Kelly – Bible Treasury

William Kelly (1821 – 27 March 1906) was a prominent Irish member of the Plymouth Brethren, amongst whom he was a prolific writer. These are magazine articles.

Kleiser, Grenville – The World’s Great Sermons, 10 volumes

Grenville Kleiser’s work is a bunch of famous sermons by different famous preachers through the ages. 

Bounds, E.M. – Reality of Prayer

Bound’s Reality of Prayer is a work that defines prayer as seen in the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. It looks at his life and prayer.

Morgan, G.C. – Crises of Christ

In this book, Pastor Morgan deals with some of the great moments in the life of Christ: His Birth, His Baptism, the Temptation, the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the answer of Christ (which is Man Redeemed).

Talmage, T. De Witt – 500 Selected Sermons

500 Selected Sermons is a work of 500 selected sermons from the great preacher T. De Witt Talmage, a contemporary of Spurgeon.

Austin-Sparks God’s Reactions to Man’s Defections – Part 1, Part 2

In Austin-Sparks God’s Reactions to Man’s Defections – Part 1, Part 2 Austin-Sparks looks at the sinfulness of man, and God´s treatment of that.

Luginbill Pneumatology Holy Spirit

Dr. Luginbill wrote these notes on the Holy Spirit or on Pneumatology. This is basically a very good doctrine of the Holy Ghost.

Stanley, C. – The First Years of Christianity and What is the Church

Charles Stanley (Brethren) presents us with an overview of the First Years of Christianity, which is a definition, What is the Church. He looks at first issues, like how Christianity begun, the first state of the Church, the Holy Spirit’s relationship with the church, etc.

Pink, Arthur – The Holy Spirit’s Work in Salvation

Pink-Holy Spirit Work in Salvation is an excerpt I believe from one of his other works. This is a single chapter module of Pink’s thoughts on the Holy Spirit’s part in Salvation.

Hoekstra – Day by Day by Grace

Day by Day by Grace is a daily devotional by Pastor Bob Hoekstra Founder and Director of Living in Christ Ministries. He was part of Calvary Chapel Movement.

Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning) by Nazarene author Arthur Vess explores the topic of evangelizing our loved ones, focusing on breaking the repetition of unsaved people having unsaved children.

Gunn – Dispensationalism

This is a serious study on Dispensationalism, its origin, its principal proponents (Scofield, Chafer, Darby, etc), the conditions of its focus, etc.