Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning) by Nazarene author Arthur Vess explores the topic of evangelizing our loved ones, focusing on breaking the repetition of unsaved people having unsaved children.

Meyer, F.B. – Secret of Guidance

In this work by Meyer, Secret of Guidance he explains the secrets of receiving guidance from God.

Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State

Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State is a work on what happens to man’s body and soul after death. Many theories exist, but what does the Bible say?

Malan 1st Rapture Conference

This is a 5 chapter work on the Rapture. The Rapture is explained, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture position explored, the significance of Israel to End-Time Prophecies, and can we understand today’s events from Bible Prophecies?