Spurgeon, C.H. – Words of Cheer for Daily Life

A Devotional work by Charls Haddon Spurgeon

Gray, J.M. – Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent and Proof

This work (Inspiration of the Bible) is an examination of the Inspiration of Scripture in four chapters Definiton, Extent, Proof, and Difficulties..

Westminster Confession of Faith

Westminster Confession of Faith is a classic confession of Faith which is used by the Presbyterian church around the world for many years now.confess

Spurgeon, C.H. – Words of Wisdom

Spurgeon’s Word of Wisdom is a work that looks at some issues in the Christian life, like being double-minded, Pride, Evildoing, Sloth, Sleep, capital punishment, profit and loss, zeal, self-ease, courage, etc.

Anderson, Sir Robert – Redemption Truths

In Redemption Truths, Robert Anderson explains several very important points in salvation, how can a sinner be saved, Passover, Fullness of our Redemption, God, recognizing our need, receiving God’s provision, justification and sanctification, hope, dispensationalism, Gospel, Sonship, new birth, judgment, and apostasy.