Anderson Robert – The Silence of God Theodicy

Anderson Silence of God theodicy is about when God is silent, the silence of God, which in theology it is theodicy. Why doesn’t God immediately vindicate his children.

Parson Satan’s devices and the believer’s victory

Parsons Satan’s devices and the believer’s victory 312 page work investigating Satan and his works and characteristics

McRae Lectures on Satan

McRae Lectures on Satan is an 11 chapter work on the basic facts of Satan, sin, power of Satan and his demons, etc.

Chafer – Satan

A 12 Chapter study on the person of Satan by L.S. Chafer (Dallas Seminary). Chapters run the Career of Satan, ages, course of this age, this age and the Satanic system, the Satanic Host, Satan’s motive and methods, the man of sin, the fatal omission, modern devices, the believer’s present position and present victory.

Luginbill Satanic Rebellion

Understanding the devil’s revolt is essential background for any study of eschatology.  This series examines the causes and conditions of Satan’s rebellion and fall, God’s judgment on the world as a result and the Genesis Gap, the purpose, creation and fall of Man, the devil’s present tactics and world system, and the course of human history in God’s plan of seven millennial days.

Aycock Satan the Prince of this World

Description of Satan, the Prince of the world describing his Personality, his names, and his dubious (false presentation) nature. Also, Aycock explores the fears of Satan, as well as a brief trip through the Scriptures touching on various places where the Bible describes or depicts him somehow.