Morgan, G.C. – Crises of Christ

In this book, Pastor Morgan deals with some of the great moments in the life of Christ: His Birth, His Baptism, the Temptation, the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the answer of Christ (which is Man Redeemed).

MacDonald, G – Miracles of Our Lord

George MacDonald’s work on the miracles of our Lord. Actions, it is often said, speak louder than words. But in the life of Christ – as George MacDonald shows – both spoke with an equal volume. Much attention is often devoted to what Jesus said while He was on earth, but many in our modern age are puzzled by the miracles. What are we to make of them?

Winslow, Octavius – No Condemnation in Christ Jesus

A work on our position in Christ as being without any condemnation for our sins.

Austin-Sparks God’s Supreme Interest in Man

In this work, Austin-Sparks looks at God’s interest in man, and this has to do with man’s composition. The focus is with man’s problem, sin, and man’s solution, Jesus’ Christ’s work on the Cross.

Morgan, G.C. – The Teaching of Christ

In The Teaching of Christ (20 chapters) by Morgan (Congregationalist) he examines the teaching of Christ around principal doctrinal themes: God, Himself, Spirit, Angels, Satan and Demons, Man, Sin, His Saving Mission, Responsibility, Sanctity, Conception, Different Phases, Existing anarchy, the cross, the church, the conflict, the crisis, and applications.

Winslow, Octavius – EMMANUEL, or Titles of Christ

Emmanuel or titles of Christ is a 10 chapter work by Octavius Winslow on the titles of Christ in Isaiah 9:6, and several others.

Torrey, R.A. – The Deity of Jesus Christ

In this 8 Chapter work, Torrey presents us with the Divine names, attributes, and offices that are applied to Jesus. Other chapters are the equivalence of Jesus and Jehovah, the linkage between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Worship to be given to the Son, and incidental proofs.

Bonar H – The Rent Veil

Horatius Bonar’s work the Rent Veil is about the thick veil in the temple in Jerusalem between the holy of holies and where the people came to present sacrifices. On the moment of Christ’s death, it was rent in two. This represents the division between God and man because of sin. Christ fixed it with his death on the cross.