Anderson Robert – The Coming Prince

Coming Prince by Robert Anderson presents us with a study on the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Chapers include one about Daniel, the Angel’s Message the Mystic era of the weeks, Messiah the prince, paschal supper, principles of interpretation, the fullness of the Gentiles, Second Sermon on the Mount, Patmos vision, coming Prince.

Anderson Robert – The Silence of God Theodicy

Anderson Silence of God theodicy is about when God is silent, the silence of God, which in theology it is theodicy. Why doesn’t God immediately vindicate his children.

Ames, William – Marrow of Sacred Divinity v2

This is a large older theology by Ames, on the essence (Marrow) of a Spiritual life.

Arnold -The Christian Life: Its Course, Its Hindrances, and Its Helps.

This is a 30 chapter work on various passages of Scripture about the Christian Life.