Venning, Ralph – Plague of Plagues

“The Plague of Plagues!” was first published in 1669, four years after the Great Plague of London. The author wrote: “As to the sinfulness of sin, I have indeed handled it most fully, as it is against man’s good and happiness.”

Winslow, Octavius – No Condemnation in Christ Jesus

A work on our position in Christ as being without any condemnation for our sins.

Austin-Sparks God’s Reactions to Man’s Defections – Part 1, Part 2

In Austin-Sparks God’s Reactions to Man’s Defections – Part 1, Part 2 Austin-Sparks looks at the sinfulness of man, and God´s treatment of that.

Alexander, A. – Handbook of Christian Ethics

In A Handbook of Christian Ethics Alexander presents a layout of Christian Ethics in which he explores the reality of ethics and our moral responsibilities in different areas, and he also explores some institutions like civil government, family, church, etc.

Westminster Confession of Faith

Westminster Confession of Faith is a classic confession of Faith which is used by the Presbyterian church around the world for many years now.confess

Parsons Believers Victory over Devils Devices

Parsons Believers Victory over Devils Devices is an Episcopal work, bordering on Methodism, but distinct from it. Excellent review of Satan’s Attacks and Believers’ victory.

Wesley, J. – John Wesley’s Sermons

John Wesley (1703-1791) founded Methodism. A prolific writer, he printed several volumes of his sermons during his lifetime. The published sermons either were rewritten from ones that he had preached or were written specifically for print.
We use Thomas Jackson’s numbering for John Wesley’s sermons (the text is from the 1872 edition).John Wesley’s Sermons module has 141 sermons by John Welsey

Murray Christian Armour Eph 6:10-18

Murray’s work, The Christian Armour, was written as Europe was in turmoil and war. He sees parallels between the world of his day (politically and the war perspective) and this passage of Scripture. Murray’s main focus in on the spiritual warfare. Note that this is an inspirational/motivational work that has a few verses each chapter, and the author launches into exhortations from them. This is not high expositional work then.