Ketcherside Heaven Help us

Ketcherside – Heaven Help us- Holy Spirit in your Life is a brief 9 Chapter work on questions about the Holy Spirit and how He relates to the believer.

Luginbill Pneumatology Holy Spirit

Dr. Luginbill wrote these notes on the Holy Spirit or on Pneumatology. This is basically a very good doctrine of the Holy Ghost.

Steele Gospel of the Comforter

Gospel of the Comforter by Steele is a 36 chapter work on the Holy Spirit and different aspects of Him (1897).

Murray Spirit of Christ

In this 31 chapter (month devotions) book by Andrew Murray (Deeper Life, Dutch Reformed), he examines the spirit of Christ

Morgan Spirit of God v2

In the Spirit of God by Pastor Morgan he divides the study of the Holy Spirit up into 7 sections: The Spirit of God, the Ideal Creation, the Spirit Prior to Pentecost, the Teaching of Christ concerning the Spirit, the Pentecostal Age, the Spirit in the Individual, and the Practical Application.

Perryman How to Resist the Devil

Perryman-How to Resist the Devil, is a 58 page work on resisting Satan, surveying field operation, areas of deception and opposition, and means of victory

Baldwin The Carnal Mind

The Carnal Mind by Harmon Allen Baldwin is a 30 chapter work on the carnal mind, defining terms, biblical view, what is evil, guilt, pollution, self-denial, oppositon to light, etc.

Shaw Of God and the Holy Trinity

Robert Shaw’s short 1 chapter work on God and the Holy Trinity is an excellent collection of observations and verses that defend the Trinity.

Davison – The Indwelling Spirit v2

Davison, W.T. – The Indwelling Spirit is a 1911 work with 16 chapters on the indwelling Holy Spirit in us. Gifts, Fruit, prayer, tides, plenitude, spirit of Truth, etc.

Wesley John A Christian Library – Part1

A Christian Library by John Wesley – Part1 is a very large library of Wesleyan view works, consisting of 16 volumes of works in this single module.

Wigglesworth, Smith – Ever Increasing Faith

In Smith Wigglesworth, a Pentecostal author, he presents us with elements which increase our faith. Note that this author is a famous “father” of the name-it and claim-it Prosperity Gospel. While I personally do not endorse this position, his work is included for research purposes. How to grow our faith is the issue here, and while not everything he presents may be correct, there are ideas here that one has to evaluate to see if they have some validity.

Carradine – Beulah Land

In Beverly Carradine’s Beulah Land, he expands his concept of the second blessing or second work of grace with this work. In general, each of the 25 chapters describes some aspect of this second work of grace.

Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation theWord

Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation is a study by Chafer (Congregationalist) on Salvation. This work begins with a study on the word “salvation”, and then a study on the divine estimate of the Lost. This is followed by the three-fold message of the Cross, the present values of the Cross to the unsaved, the one condition of Salvation, the riches of Grace in Christ Jesus, Assurance, Rewards or the place of Christian Works, eternal security of the believer-doubtful passages, eternal security of the believer-doctrine of Scripture, and an appeal.