Malan – Spiritual Devotion and Service

This is a 32 article work on Spiritual Devotion and Service. Some of his chapters are Are you a living letter from God, the Corn of Wheat must Die, Persevere in Faith, importance of Prayer, Testing the spirits, etc.

Westminster Confession of Faith

Westminster Confession of Faith is a classic confession of Faith which is used by the Presbyterian church around the world for many years now.confess

Derickson’s Notes on Theology

This is a 162 chapter work on Theology with sections on Bibliology, Theology Proper (God), Pneumatology (Holy Spirit), Soteriology (Salvation), Angelology, Anthropology, Harmartiology (Sin), Ecclesiology (Church), Christology,

Alexander, Archibald – A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Alexander, Archibald – A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Barclay – Catechism and Confession of Faith

This is a Catechism and Confession of faith in 18 chapters. The format is question and answers. Robert Barclay was a Quaker

Boettner – Perseverance of the Saints

In this 7 chapter work on the perseverance of the Saints, Boettner (Reformed, Presbyterian) first states the doctrine, the shows us why it doesn’t depend on good works but God’s grace, he examines the Christian’s temporary slide back into sin, how an outward profession of righteousness is no guarantee of salvation, the arminian sense of insecurity, and warnings against apostasy.

Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation theWord

Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation is a study by Chafer (Congregationalist) on Salvation. This work begins with a study on the word “salvation”, and then a study on the divine estimate of the Lost. This is followed by the three-fold message of the Cross, the present values of the Cross to the unsaved, the one condition of Salvation, the riches of Grace in Christ Jesus, Assurance, Rewards or the place of Christian Works, eternal security of the believer-doubtful passages, eternal security of the believer-doctrine of Scripture, and an appeal.

Ironside Works of Harry Ironside

The Works of Harry Ironside are 12 books by Ironside. Topics run from the Parable of the Foolish and wise virgins to Another Gospel? Holiness, Ultra-Dispensationalism.