Kleiser, Grenville – The World’s Great Sermons, 10 volumes

Grenville Kleiser’s work is a bunch of famous sermons by different famous preachers through the ages. 

Bounds, E.M. – Reality of Prayer

Bound’s Reality of Prayer is a work that defines prayer as seen in the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. It looks at his life and prayer.

Dabney, R.L. – Systematic Theology

Dabney was a Baptist, and this work is his Systematic Theology. Dabney was also Calvinistic.

Parsons Believers Victory over Devils Devices

Parsons Believers Victory over Devils Devices is an Episcopal work, bordering on Methodism, but distinct from it. Excellent review of Satan’s Attacks and Believers’ victory.

Wesley, J. – John Wesley’s Sermons

John Wesley (1703-1791) founded Methodism. A prolific writer, he printed several volumes of his sermons during his lifetime. The published sermons either were rewritten from ones that he had preached or were written specifically for print.
We use Thomas Jackson’s numbering for John Wesley’s sermons (the text is from the 1872 edition).John Wesley’s Sermons module has 141 sermons by John Welsey

Baldwin The Carnal Mind

The Carnal Mind by Harmon Allen Baldwin is a 30 chapter work on the carnal mind, defining terms, biblical view, what is evil, guilt, pollution, self-denial, oppositon to light, etc.

Clarke, Adam – Christian Theology

Adam Clarke’s Christian Theology is a work on a lot of common doctrines found in Scripture.

Davison – The Indwelling Spirit v2

Davison, W.T. – The Indwelling Spirit is a 1911 work with 16 chapters on the indwelling Holy Spirit in us. Gifts, Fruit, prayer, tides, plenitude, spirit of Truth, etc.

Newton, John – Works of John Newton (6 Volumes)

The works of John Newton are 6 volumes of the writings of John Newton. The content of these 6 volumes are a combination of a lot of his correspondence (letters) and his sermons, including some sections that are like a dictionary of concepts and terms, and also parts that look like a commentary.

Wesley John A Christian Library – Part1

A Christian Library by John Wesley – Part1 is a very large library of Wesleyan view works, consisting of 16 volumes of works in this single module.

Hodge, Charles – Systematic Theology (3 Vol in 1 Module) 1.0

Charles Hodge’s great systematic theology work is a well known Reformed/Calvinist theology. It is extensive.

Franklin – Hermeneutics Class Notes

These are Al Franklin Hermeneutics Class Notes for Hermeneutics from Shasta Bible College