Moule, H.C.G. – Fulness of the Spirit

H. G. C. Moule Fulness of the Spirit is a one short chapter work by H. G. C. Moule on the fulness or filling of the Holy Spirit, about 12 pages.

Murray Christian Armour Eph 6:10-18

Murray’s work, The Christian Armour, was written as Europe was in turmoil and war. He sees parallels between the world of his day (politically and the war perspective) and this passage of Scripture. Murray’s main focus in on the spiritual warfare. Note that this is an inspirational/motivational work that has a few verses each chapter, and the author launches into exhortations from them. This is not high expositional work then.

Newton, John – Works of John Newton (6 Volumes)

The works of John Newton are 6 volumes of the writings of John Newton. The content of these 6 volumes are a combination of a lot of his correspondence (letters) and his sermons, including some sections that are like a dictionary of concepts and terms, and also parts that look like a commentary.