Miller – Systematic Fasting

Systematic Fasting is a work by Wesleyan James Miller in which he studies biblical fasting, extracting some principles from Scripture to guide those who would like to practice fasting in their own spiritual life. Chapters mention false and true fasting, prayer, objections to fasting, etc.

Cambron – Bible Doctrines that Matter

Mark Cambron’s Bible Doctrines work is an extensive doctrines book used by Florida Bible College. Cambron’s work covers Angels, Man, Holy Spirit, Christ, Salvation, Sin, Prayer, and the Doctrine of God.

Bouvières, Jeanne Marie – A Short Method Of Prayer And Spiritual Torrents

Short Method Of Prayer And Spiritual Torrents is a 19 chapter work on prayer, Methodology. Chapters are short.

Hall, Newman – Lord’s Prayer

Newman Hall’s work, Practical Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer, examines the seven petitions in the model prayer that the Lord gave his disciples.