Winslow Octavius Our God 2

Winslow Our God v2

Our God by Octavius Winslow is a 10 chapter look at some of the characteristics of God himself. Love, Hope, Patience, Comfort, Grace, Holiness, peace, Light, etc.

Our God by Octavius Winslow is a 10 chapter look at some of the characteristics of God himself. Love, Hope, Patience, Comfort, Grace, Holiness, peace, Light, etc.

Our God

By Octavius Winslow, 1870.
Version 2 – Reformatted by David Cox

“For this God is OUR GOD forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.” Psa 48:14

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Table of Contents of Our God

1. The God of Love
2. The God of Hope
3. The God of Patience
4. The God of Comfort
5. The God of Bethel
6. The God of Grace
7. The God of Holiness
8. The God of Peace
9. The God of Light
10. This God is our God.


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by Octavius Winslow, 1870.

“For this God is OUR GOD forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.” Psa 48:14


It was a characteristic remark of Luther that, he loved the personal pronouns of Scripture. This may be termed the holy egotism of the Bible; and it recognizes and teaches an important truth- the believer’s personal appropriation to himself of the doctrines, precepts, and promises of God’s Word. If “all things are ours,” then, it is the province of faith to lay its hand upon the great charter- the sufficiency of Jehovah, the fullness of Christ, the provisions of the covenant, the blessings of the Gospel, and the promises of God- claiming and appropriating all as its own. The Bible is replete with these personal pronouns. “My beloved is mine, and I am His.” “Christ loved me, and gave Himself for me.” “I am Yours.” “I live.” “I am not behind the very chief apostle.” “By the grace of God, I am what I am.”

To endeavor to raise the believer to this elevated and proper standard, in his personal religion is the design of these pages. Losing sight of all non-essentially religious differences and ecclesiastical distinctions, and recognizing all who possess like precious faith, as constituting ‘One Body in Christ,’ essentially and individually one, it aims to cluster all around the Mercy Seat, sealing upon the lips of all the declaration of the sacred Brotherhood- “This God is OUR GOD forever and ever.” Should this object, in a single case, be promoted, these pages will not have been written in vain. To neutralize the doubts, dissipate the fears, and confirm the faith of a single believer in Christ, thus aiding him to place his foot upon another and higher round in heaven’s ladder, is a work worthy of a life.

We but imperfectly realize the greatness of God’s love to His people, their preciousness to the heart of Jesus, and how incessantly they are the objects of the Spirit’s care and comfort. Viewed in this threefold light, may not the writer hope that his cup of cold water, offered to the saints in name of, and because dear to, Christ, will be acceptable to the disciple, be approved of by the Master, and be abundant also of many thanksgivings unto God? To the triune God shall be the praise!

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