Austin-Sparks Ways of God

These Ways of God are principles which God has installed in creation, such as the Way of Wisdom, the Way of Spiritual Strength, the Way of True Discipleship, etc.

Austin-Sparks Life of the Spirit

Austin-Sparks was formerly a Baptist, and he got caught up in the Holiness Revival going on at the time. He was friends with Watchman Nee and Jesse Penn-Lewis. These three are big names and leaders in the Holiness movement. While I personally do not agree with everything going on in that movement, the movement itself produced an emphasis on being holy which few other groups outside of it made much attempt at all. There is a lot of gems within that movement and their writings.

Austin-Sparks God’s Reactions to Man’s Defections – Part 1, Part 2

In Austin-Sparks God’s Reactions to Man’s Defections – Part 1, Part 2 Austin-Sparks looks at the sinfulness of man, and God´s treatment of that.

Austin-Sparks God’s Supreme Interest in Man

In this work, Austin-Sparks looks at God’s interest in man, and this has to do with man’s composition. The focus is with man’s problem, sin, and man’s solution, Jesus’ Christ’s work on the Cross.

Austin-Sparks Centrality and Universality of the Cross

Austin-Sparks Centrality and Universality of the Cross is a 9 chapter work on how the cross relates to various topics, the person of Christ, the Holy Spirit, etc.

Austin-Sparks Nehemiah – A Living Message for God’s People Today

In this brief work (3 Chapters) by Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life), he examines Nehemiah. His chapters are End-Time Conditions, The Character of the Lord’s Vessel of recovery, and A model prayer of intercession.

Austin-Sparks Dispensation of the Holy Spirit

The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit is a four chapter devotional work examines the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, about various topics dealing with the Holy Spirit.