
Luginbill Pneumatology Holy Spirit

Dr. Luginbill wrote these notes on the Holy Spirit or on Pneumatology. This is basically a very good doctrine of the Holy Ghost.

Dr. Luginbill wrote these notes on the Holy Spirit or on Pneumatology. This is basically a very good doctrine of the Holy Ghost. Luginbill – Pneumatology Holy Spirit

Bible Basics: Essential Doctrines of the Bible

Part 5: Pneumatology: the Study of the Holy Spirit

by Dr. Robert D. Luginbill
Luginbill – Pneumatology Holy Spirit

The Spirit – the One who empowers all things in our lives for Christ.

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6  KJV
When He [the Holy Spirit] comes, He will call the world to account
regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment:
– regarding sin, because they don’t believe in Me.
– regarding righteousness, because I am going to my Father
and you’re not going to be seeing Me any longer.
– regarding judgment, because the ruler of this world has now been judged.
John 16:8-10

More Works by Robert Luginbill


Outline Luginbill – Pneumatology Doctrine of the Holy Spirit


I. The Person of the Holy Spirit – Luginbill – Pneumatology Holy Spirit
A. The Holy Spirit is a Person
B. The Holy Spirit is God
C. The Holy Spirit’s Chosen Role in the Plan of God
1. As described in scripture
2. As illustrated by symbols
a. Oil
b. Fire
c. Seven Spirits
d. Seven Lamps
e. Seven Eyes
f. Seven Seals
g. Dove
h. Sword of the Spirit
i. Pledge
3. As Illustrated by His names
a. The Holy Spirit
b. The Spirit of Truth
c. The Spirit of Wisdom
d. The Spirit of Christ
e. The Spirit of Life
f. The Encourager

II. The Ministries of the Holy Spirit – Luginbill – Pneumatology Holy Spirit
A. Ministries to the World
1. Creation
a. Initial Creation
b. Reconstruction
c. Individual Creatures
d. Eternity
2. Genesis Gap Restraint of the Devil
3. Pre-Flood Striving of the Spirit
4. Restraining Antichrist
5. Law and Order
B. Ministries for Believers and the Church
1. Pre-Salvation
a. Sanctification
b. Natural Revelation
c. Gospel Infrastructure
d. Direct Provision of the Gospel
(1) Conviction
(2) Gospel Epistemology
2. The Salvation Ministries of the Spirit
a. Regeneration
b. Baptism
(1) Into Christ
(a) Definition
(b) The Basis of the Spirit’s Baptism of Believers into Christ (baptism “by the Spirit”)
(c) The Results and Significance of Baptism into Christ (baptism “by the Spirit”)
1) “in Christ”
2) “of Christ”
3) “fellowship with Christ”
4) “Christ in us”
5) “Christ’s Body”
6) “Christ’s Bride”
7) “Adopted
8) “One”
(2) Indwelling
(a) The Prophecy of the Gift
(b) Baptized “with” the Spirit (as opposed to “by” the Spirit)
(c) The Gift of the Spirit
(d) The Pouring out of the Gift of the Spirit
(e) The Residence of the Spirit “within” us
(f) The Anointing of the Spirit
(g) The Sanctifying Work of the Spirit making us a Temple of God
(h) The Preeminent Sign of the Spirit’s Work
(i) The Universality of the Indwelling of the Spirit
(j) Results and Effects
(k) The Means of Imparting the Gift
(l) Progression of the Gift
3. The Post-Salvation Ministries of the Spirit
a. Spiritual Growth Infrastructure
(1) Bible
(2) Spiritual Gifts Supporting Bible Teaching
(3) Spiritual Growth Epistemology
b. Empowerment of the Believer
(1) Fellowship and the Filling of the Spirit (Responding to the Spirit)
(a) The Filling of the Spirit
(b) Being Led by the Spirit versus Resisting the Spirit
(2) The Teaching Ministry of the Spirit (Spiritual Growth)
(a) Definition
(b) Epistemology and Spiritual Growth
(3) Walking in the Spirit (Spiritual Progress)
(a) Guidance
(b) Motivation
(i) Encouragement
(ii) Hope
(iii) Joy
(iv) Love
(v) Endurance
(vi) Fellowship with other believers
(vii) Zeal
(c) Specific Empowerments
(i) Prayer
(ii) Worship
(iii) Sanctification
c. Security of the Believer
d. Ministry of the Believer
(1) Spiritual Gifts
(a) Communication Gifts
1. Evangelist
2. Pastor-Teacher
(b) Support Gifts
1. Service
2. Encouragement
3. Giving
4. Superintendence
5. Charity
(c) Temporary Gifts
1. Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith
2. Healing
3. Miracles
4. Prophecy
5. Discerning of Spirits
6. Tongues and Interpretation
(2) Empowerment of Ministry
C. The Example of Jesus Christ
1. The Incarnation
2. Indwelling and Filling
3. The Baptism of Christ
4. The Temptation of Christ
5. The Spirit’s Empowerment of Christ’s Ministry
6. The Cross
7. The Proclamation in Hades
8. The Resurrection of Christ
D. Things to Come


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More Works on the Holy Spirit

More Works on Systematic Theology

Introduction: Developing a systematic treatment of the Holy Spirit in scripture is exceptionally difficult to do in a meaningful way. That is because on the one hand the Spirit is the invisible Person of the Trinity who deliberately remains unseen, and yet on the other hand there is no area of the Christian life or world history where His influence is not powerfully felt and absolutely crucial: the Father is the Originator of the Plan and the Son is the Message, the Foundation, and the Agent of the Plan – but the Spirit is the One who empowers its implementation. So while we are able to say less than we should like to do on account of the Spirit’s characteristic working behind the scenes, we should have to treat every aspect of biblical doctrine and the entire Plan of God to do complete justice to the Spirit’s variegated ministries. Nevertheless, we can see in all of the Spirit’s ministering one fundamental characteristic that runs throughout: the preservation of freedom and its empowerment through the essential means of freedom, God’s truth:

Then [as My disciples] (v.31) you will know the truth – and the truth will free you.
John 8:32

(16) I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter to be with you forever –

(17) the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, for it neither sees Him, nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He abides with you, and will be in you.
John 14:16-17

But the Encourager, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My Name, that One will teach you all [the truth] and will remind you of all [the truth] which I spoke to you.
John 14:26

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2nd Corinthians 3:17 NIV (cf. v.18)

And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.
1st John.5:6b

There are two main areas in which the Spirit provides the freedom necessary for human beings to become believers in the first place and then to serve our Lord effectively thereafter: 1) the provision of the overall environment of freedom in which we live our lives and 2) the provision on a personal level to all who desire it of the freedom, ability and empowerment to access God’s truth and to act upon it in a godly way that glorifies the One who bought us with His blood, our dear Savior Jesus Christ. These two areas of the Spirit’s provision and empowerment of our Christian freedom will be treated in parts II and III below. First, however, it is necessary to consider what scripture has to say about the Person of the Holy Spirit Himself, the One who provides us with these most marvelous benefits, blessings without which we could not be saved nor serve our Lord Jesus as He would have us to do. Luginbill – Pneumatology Holy Spirit.

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