Luginbill Pneumatology Holy Spirit

Dr. Luginbill wrote these notes on the Holy Spirit or on Pneumatology. This is basically a very good doctrine of the Holy Ghost.

Luginbill – The Theology of God

Dr. Luginbill’s work, The Theology of God, treats basically the essence of God and the Persons of the Trinity. Although he only deals with these two issues technically, I have included a lot of appendices which come from emails he received and answered.

Luginbill – Eschatology

Luginbill’s Eschatology Notes covers God’s plan for human history (Judgment, Restoration and replacement, God’s Plan – Jesus Christ, Things to Come, and God’s disposition of Satan), Tribulation, Seven Churches of Revelation, Tribulation’s first half, antichrist and his kingdom, the Great Tribulation, Armageddon and second Advent, last things.

Luginbill – Christology Study of Christ

This is a Study of Christ, Christology, by Luginbill. He covers the following topics: I. The Person of Jesus Christ. 1. Jesus Christ is truly Divine. 2. Jesus Christ is truly Human. 3. Jesus Christ is truly Unique. 4. The Names of Jesus Christ Reflect His Perfect Person and His Perfect Work. 5. The Life of Jesus Christ. II. The Saving Work of Jesus Christ. 1. Our Need for a Savior. 2. The Substitutionary Death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. 3. Unlimited Atonement. 4. The Blood of Christ. 5. The Spiritual Death of Christ. 6. Propitiation. 7. Redemption. 8. Justification. 9. Reconciliation. 10. Summary of the Work of Christ in Effecting Salvation

Luginbill – Angelology: the Study of Angels

Dr. Luginbill’s work, Angelology, the Study of Angels, is a single chapter work on Angels. Although brief, it is quite well documented on the specifics of the doctrine of angels.