Hyles Meet the Holy Spirit

Jack Hyles 35 chapter work on the Holy Spirit. He looks at the Spirit and various subjects, and from various views.

Clairvaux Inspiration on loving God

Bernard of Clairvaux (I believe he is Catholic) On Loving God is a fifteen chapter work on love, on its degrees, and various other elements of true love

Luginbill Pneumatology Holy Spirit

Dr. Luginbill wrote these notes on the Holy Spirit or on Pneumatology. This is basically a very good doctrine of the Holy Ghost.

Watson, Thomas – All for Good

homas Watson, from a Calvinist perspective, explains why the “election” is good, all for good. The things he explores are the good things that God plans for the elect.

Teasley Holy Spirit and Other Spirits

Teasley Holy Spirit and Other Spirits is about the Holy Spirit’s effect on the believer as wells as how other spirits (demons) try to affect mankind with specific unholy spirits.

Bonar Horatius Light and Truth v4 (Lesser Epistles)

Bonar Horatius Light and Truth

Steele Gospel of the Comforter

Gospel of the Comforter by Steele is a 36 chapter work on the Holy Spirit and different aspects of Him (1897).

Bellett, J.G. – Pauls Apostleship and Epistles

Bellett Pauls Apostleship Epistles is a 31 chapter survey of Paul’s writings, with some additional 17 chapters on related topics having to do with the life and ministry (apostleship) of Paul.

Luginbill – The Theology of God

Dr. Luginbill’s work, The Theology of God, treats basically the essence of God and the Persons of the Trinity. Although he only deals with these two issues technically, I have included a lot of appendices which come from emails he received and answered.

Baldwin The Carnal Mind

The Carnal Mind by Harmon Allen Baldwin is a 30 chapter work on the carnal mind, defining terms, biblical view, what is evil, guilt, pollution, self-denial, oppositon to light, etc.

Shaw Of God and the Holy Trinity

Robert Shaw’s short 1 chapter work on God and the Holy Trinity is an excellent collection of observations and verses that defend the Trinity.

Davison – The Indwelling Spirit v2

Davison, W.T. – The Indwelling Spirit is a 1911 work with 16 chapters on the indwelling Holy Spirit in us. Gifts, Fruit, prayer, tides, plenitude, spirit of Truth, etc.

Derickson’s Notes on Theology

This is a 162 chapter work on Theology with sections on Bibliology, Theology Proper (God), Pneumatology (Holy Spirit), Soteriology (Salvation), Angelology, Anthropology, Harmartiology (Sin), Ecclesiology (Church), Christology,