Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning) by Nazarene author Arthur Vess explores the topic of evangelizing our loved ones, focusing on breaking the repetition of unsaved people having unsaved children.

Vess – How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

AIM: Methodist, Nazarene.
CIM: Church, Evangelism.

vess arthur How to Win our Loved OnesBy Arthur Vess (Nazarene)

This work by Nazarene author Arthur Vess explores the topic of evangelizing our loved ones, focusing on breaking the repetition of unsaved people having unsaved children. This is a practical work on evangelizing people for Christ.

Vess begins with evangelism as being our responsibility “and our last obligation”. Then he addresses the “how to do it?” question in a practical way.

After that Vess then has three additional chapters on “How to win an unsaved husband”, next “how to get saved” and finally when will the circle of unsaved having unsaved children that grow to parenthood and produce unsaved children again. He looks at God’s promise in Acts 16:31 of “thou shalt be saved and thy house.”

Although devotional, these short chapters could probably be read in less than 5 minutes each.

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Summary of How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord

1. The Salvation Of Our Loved Ones Is Our First Responsibility And Last Obligation
2. But The Great Question Remains: How Shall We Win Our Loved Ones To Christ?
3. How To Win An Unsaved Husband
4. How To Get Saved
5. Will The Circle Be Unbroken?


Download “vess-arthur-how-to-win-our-loved-ones.gbk_.twm”

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theWord Modules on Evangelism and Soulwinning

Related Concepts: theWord modules on Soulwinning and evangelism

Some Answers to the Above

  • What is soul-winning?

Technically, “soul-winning” is God’s Plan to Bring Lost Sinners to Christ for Salvation. It is a synonym for evangelism. It comes from the command in Matthew 28:19-20 to go out and teach all nations. Teaching in Christianity has to begin with the foundation of new birth, or being saved, born again spiritually.

I would recommend the following webpage: Salvation by David Stewart (tabl,e of contents below)

  1. Salvation And The Word of God
  2. When They Knew God
  3. The Sinfulness of Mankind
  4. The Penalty of Hell
  5. The Reality of Hell
  6. The Purpose of Hell
  7. Christ Died for Our Sins
  8. The Importance of the Blood
  9. The Blood Applied in Heaven
  10. Christ’s Burial
  11. Christ’s Resurrection
  12. Put All Your Faith in Jesus
  13. Imputation
  14. Jesus, Our Propitiation
  15. Predestination
  16. The Good Shepherd
  17. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
  18. Good Works Verses on Grace
  19. The Gift of God
  20. Another Jesus
  21. The Unbeliever
  22. The King James Bible
  23. Are You Really a Christian?
  24. How to Know Your Saved
  25. Fallen From Grace
  26. Biblical Repentance
  27. Easy Believism Defended
  28. Lordship Salvation Exposed
  29. You Can Count on Jesus
  30. Soul-Winning
  31. Misconceptions Concerning Christ
  32. Divine Justice
  33. Salvation is a Gift, Not a Reward
  34. His Righteousness
  35. Don’t Leave Out The Cross

Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

2 thoughts on “Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

  1. I think that this topic is very important for many christians. I don’t know much about the nazerenes, but the subject seems to be hit many of the people in my church.

    1. Hi Barry, The Nazarenes are a division off of Methodism, and basically they are very zealous of holiness, so this work should be very good too. — David Cox

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