Machen, J. Gresham – Literature and History of New Testament Times

Machen’s Literature and History of New Testament Times gives precious background information on the New Testament.

Carroll – Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments was written by famed Southern Baptist preacher, B.H. Carroll. Carroll guides the reader through the history between the Old Testament and the New Testament. At the conclusion of each chapter there are a set of study questions for the Bible student to digest and answer.

Stanley, C. – The First Years of Christianity and What is the Church

Charles Stanley (Brethren) presents us with an overview of the First Years of Christianity, which is a definition, What is the Church. He looks at first issues, like how Christianity begun, the first state of the Church, the Holy Spirit’s relationship with the church, etc.

Adams Baptists Only Thorough Reformers

This work of 10 chapters makes the contrast of the Reformers “reformation” and what they left “unreformed”, and how the Baptists have purged those things from their faith and practice.

Ignatius of Antioch

Ignatius of Antioch m odule is 7 letters by Ignatius to various people/churches of his day. These contain warnings against heretical doctrines; contain detailed summaries of doctrines; and a picture of Church organization with bishops, presbyters (elders) and deacons; First to stress Virgin Birth and to use the term “catholic church”.