Shaw Of God and the Holy Trinity

Robert Shaw’s short 1 chapter work on God and the Holy Trinity is an excellent collection of observations and verses that defend the Trinity.

Bellett, J.G. – Strength from God

In this devotional work Strength from God, Bellett looks at various situations in the history of Israel, from their Captivity and the humbling effect that had on Israel to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.  He examines the pride and fall, and restoration of Israel from a moral standpoint.

Bonar H – The Rent Veil

Horatius Bonar’s work the Rent Veil is about the thick veil in the temple in Jerusalem between the holy of holies and where the people came to present sacrifices. On the moment of Christ’s death, it was rent in two. This represents the division between God and man because of sin. Christ fixed it with his death on the cross.

Edersheim, Alfred – OT Temple – Its Ministry and Service

Alfred Edersheim was a Christian of Jewish descendent. His work reflects a profound understanding of Jewish culture. This particular work deals with the inner workings of the Temple, both the physical structure, its ministers and ministry (service). An excellent resource book for any student of Scripture.

Wiseman From Pollution to Purity

This is a 4 chapter work by Wiseman (Methodist)(Holiness) on purity (Sanctification). Although his chapters run Sin, Atonment, New Birth, and Sanctification, he has about 18 topics of which each of these four are just one in the list.

Carradine, Beverly – A Journey to Palestine

In this 43 chapter work, A Journey to Palestine Carradine (Nazarene) recounts his trip to Palestine, and from the United States through Europe to get there.

Evans The Ark of the Covenant

In this 24 chapter work by James Harrington Evans (Baptist), he investigates various aspects of the Ark of the Covenant.