Bouter, Hugo – Remarks on Eternal Punishment

What does Scripture say concerning the nature of eternal punishment? Christians who take the Bible seriously believe in the everlasting nature of eternal punishment. However awful it may sound, punishment in hell is without end. The Bible also clearly outlines the characteristics of eternal punishment. – Hugo Bouter

Dabney, R.L. – Systematic Theology

Dabney was a Baptist, and this work is his Systematic Theology. Dabney was also Calvinistic.

Wesley, J. – John Wesley’s Sermons

John Wesley (1703-1791) founded Methodism. A prolific writer, he printed several volumes of his sermons during his lifetime. The published sermons either were rewritten from ones that he had preached or were written specifically for print.
We use Thomas Jackson’s numbering for John Wesley’s sermons (the text is from the 1872 edition).John Wesley’s Sermons module has 141 sermons by John Welsey

Clarke, Adam – Christian Theology

Adam Clarke’s Christian Theology is a work on a lot of common doctrines found in Scripture.

Derickson’s Notes on Theology

This is a 162 chapter work on Theology with sections on Bibliology, Theology Proper (God), Pneumatology (Holy Spirit), Soteriology (Salvation), Angelology, Anthropology, Harmartiology (Sin), Ecclesiology (Church), Christology,

Alexander, Archibald – A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Alexander, Archibald – A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Chafer Major Bible Themes

Presenting 49 Vital Doctrines of the Scriptures, Abbreviated and Simplified for Popular Use, Including Suggestive Questions on Each Topical and Textual Indices.

Binney Theological Compend

Binney-Steele’s joint doctrinal work has four parts, Evidences of Religion, Doctrines of Christianity, Morals of Christianity, and Institutions of Christianity. Probably they are Nazarene/Methodist.

Arendzen – Eternal Punishment

This is Arendzen’s Catholic work on “eternal punishment” looking at the nature of eternal punishment, comments and teaching in Scripture, Tradition, and reason, and the final chapter is special questions.

Adams – Endless Punishment

Adams – Endless Punishment is a scriptural argument for the doctrine of Endless Punishment by Adams (Congregationalist). He outlines the teaching of Scripture making the point that this is what the Scripture really teaches.

Dagg, L.L. – Manual of Theology

Dagg’s Work, Manual of Theology is a full fledged systematic theology from a Reformed perspective. He was Baptist.