Anderson Robert – The Coming Prince

Coming Prince by Robert Anderson presents us with a study on the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Chapers include one about Daniel, the Angel’s Message the Mystic era of the weeks, Messiah the prince, paschal supper, principles of interpretation, the fullness of the Gentiles, Second Sermon on the Mount, Patmos vision, coming Prince.

Malan 1st Rapture Conference

This is a 5 chapter work on the Rapture. The Rapture is explained, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture position explored, the significance of Israel to End-Time Prophecies, and can we understand today’s events from Bible Prophecies?

Wesley, J. – John Wesley’s Sermons

John Wesley (1703-1791) founded Methodism. A prolific writer, he printed several volumes of his sermons during his lifetime. The published sermons either were rewritten from ones that he had preached or were written specifically for print.
We use Thomas Jackson’s numbering for John Wesley’s sermons (the text is from the 1872 edition).John Wesley’s Sermons module has 141 sermons by John Welsey

Derickson’s Notes on Theology

This is a 162 chapter work on Theology with sections on Bibliology, Theology Proper (God), Pneumatology (Holy Spirit), Soteriology (Salvation), Angelology, Anthropology, Harmartiology (Sin), Ecclesiology (Church), Christology,

Ryle – Coming Events and Present Duties

This work by Anglican Bishop JC Ryle, Coming Events and Present Duties, is a work that outlines somethings for Christians to be aware of concerning the return of our Lord, and some duties that we should be doing in relation to that. He deals with some signs of the Lord’s return also.

Boyce – Abstract of Systematic Theology

Abstract of Systematic Theology is a 21 chapter work (short chapters) by Boyce (Baptist) that has a few half dozen questions in each section

Anderson, Sir Robert – Forgotten Truths

In this work by Anderson, Forgotten Truths, he looks at several points of interest that many glosses over without considering too profoundly. For example, the Eternal Word of God, the Blessing of the Gentiles, the Mystery of Christ, Christ’s return, the Church age, the rapture, the Bema seat, the evangelization of the world, etc.

Winslow, Octavius – The Glory of the Redeemer

Winslow’s work, The Glory of the Redeemer, is a study on Jesus Christ the redeemer, and the glory associated with his work of redemption of mankind.

Miley Systematic Theology (2 vols)

Miley Systematic Theology covers an introduction to Theology, Theism, Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology, and appendices on Inspiration, Angels, and the Arminian Treatment of Original Sin.