Bonar H – The Rent Veil

Horatius Bonar’s work the Rent Veil is about the thick veil in the temple in Jerusalem between the holy of holies and where the people came to present sacrifices. On the moment of Christ’s death, it was rent in two. This represents the division between God and man because of sin. Christ fixed it with his death on the cross.

The Rent Veil

The Rent Veil
By Horatius Bonar

Horatius Bonar’s work the Rent Veil is about the thick veil in the temple in Jerusalem between the holy of holies and where the people came to present sacrifices. On the moment of Christ’s death, it was rent in two. This represents the division between God and man because of sin. Christ fixed it with his death on the cross.

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In Old Testament times the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies once a year on the Day of Atonement into the presence of God as a representative of the people. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was not torn from bottom to top (as would happen if it were man doing the tearing), but from top to bottom (as God miraculously had done). The inner sanctuary (the Holy of Holies) represents heaven, and the tearing of the curtain represents the tearing of the flesh of Jesus Christ; the body of Christ had to be broken and His blood had to be shed to open for us the way to God. Our way to heaven is by a crucified Savior; His death is our way to eternal life (Hebrews 6:19-20, 9:3, 10:19-20). In twelve chapters Horatius Bonar unfolds these concepts. Published in 1875, Rent Veil was written by Scottish theologian and poet Horatius Bonar. Bonar’s Rent Veil treats a variety of topics, most directly the atonement.

AIM: Presbyterian, H. Bonar.
CIM: Old Testament Studies, Tabernacle, The Vail or Veil.
Version: 1.1 July 4, 2014

Table of Contents of the Rent Veil

Chapter 1. Open Intercourse With God
Chapter 2. How There Came To Be A Veil
Chapter 3. The Symbolic Veil
Chapter 4. The True Veil
Chapter 5. The Rending Of The Veil
Chapter 6. The Removal Of The First Sacrifice And The Establishment Of The Second
Chapter 7. Messiah Within The Veil
Chapter 8. The Blood Within The Veil
Chapter 9. God Seeking Worshippers
Chapter 10. God Seeking Temples
Chapter 11. God Seeking Priests
Chapter 12. God Seeking Kings


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