Bellett, J.G. – Strength from God from Ezra Nehemiah & Esther

Bellett-Strength from God: Meditations for our Time from Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. These are devotional type meditations on these people and their ministries and places in Christian History.

Austin-Sparks Nehemiah – A Living Message for God’s People Today

In this brief work (3 Chapters) by Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life), he examines Nehemiah. His chapters are End-Time Conditions, The Character of the Lord’s Vessel of recovery, and A model prayer of intercession.

Bellett, J.G. – Strength from God

In this devotional work Strength from God, Bellett looks at various situations in the history of Israel, from their Captivity and the humbling effect that had on Israel to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.  He examines the pride and fall, and restoration of Israel from a moral standpoint.

Unknown Maps of the Bible

These 128 maps are high-quality topographical maps full of historical information concerning various topics and accounts found in the bible.