Meikle, James – Devotional: Solitude Sweetened

This work consists of two volumes, volume 1 morning meditations and volume 2 evening meditations for an entire year.

Devotional: Solitude Sweetened

by James Meikle, 1730-1799

“My meditation of Him shall be sweet.” Psalm 104:34
147 days on Christian meditation. This work is meditations for an entire year. Meikle Year Devotional

Table of Contents of Devotional: Solitude Sweetened

1. On meditation
2. Christ the Rock in a weary land
3. If God gives Christ, what can he withhold
4. Submission
5. Comfortable conclusions
6. Resignation
7. Feeble nature
8, Worldly losses and misfortunes universal
9. Providence
10. True greatness
11. Disappointments
12. Experience
13. Contentment
14. Death
15. Communion with God, what it is
16. The disposal of Providence always best
17. Love in its fourfold extension
18. Slander
19. Fear and other passions
20. Universal improvement
21. The soul’s enlargement on high
22. Affliction the lot of saints below
23. Private experience
24. All plenitude in Christ, to answer
all the needs of his people
25. Prayer and praise
26. On a blind beggar
27. Love in saints
28. Love in God
29. Death
30. The death of the wicked
31. The Traveler
32. Grace in the blush, sin not ashamed
33. Going to a fair
34. After sickness
35. Frames of soul variable
36. The unconcerned spectators
37. Death a blessing to godly men
38. Mercy going before God, makes meeting him a mercy
39. The necessity of afflictions
40. Saints unknown, stars unseen
41. The excellent happiness of the blessed
42. Only a rumor heard of the triumphant state
43. Science
44. A wicked thing to depart from God in the least
45. Who the great man is
46. We should sleep no longer than to refresh the body
47. Our only joy in the world to come
48. On the scriptures
49. True joy
50. One fruit of affliction
51. From the depth of afflictions we see stupendous things
52. Prayer
53. Little known of the bliss above
54. The divine lover
55. Eternity
56. On loving God
57. Wrath
58. Sensible communion with God sometimes enjoyed
59. Brevity of life
60. On the last day of the year
61. Saints have the greatest reason to rejoice
62. Indwelling sin
63. Events of providence
64. More of God seen in Christ than in all the creation
65. Christ, the study above
66. The world asleep
67. Still ignorant of God below
68. Nothing can purchase Christ from the soul
69. Torment
70. The soul’s growth
71. This life a valley of tears
72. The madness of the world in their choice
73. The approaching happiness of the saints
74. What we should expect and wait for
75. The spiritual miser
76. Contradictions
77. The confusion of the wicked at the general judgment
78. Mercies abused
79. The forgiveness of injuries
80. The excellency of religion
81. Christ, and none but he, satisfies desires
82. The aggrandizing visit
83. Causes of humility
84. Harmony in God’s procedure with the church
85. A pleasant consideration
86. Crucifixion
87. All God’s ways equal
88. Self-flatterers
89. The heavenly vision assimilating
90. Still descriptions fall short of glory
91. Saints honorable
92. Mercies, though apparently delayed, come at the appointed time
93. The world deeply rooted in the affections
94. True riches
95. The casting of the scales or balances
96. Affliction the common lot of the saints
97. The glorious fruits of sanctified affliction
98. God his people’s inheritance
99. Distance diminishes views
100. Jubilee
101. God’s knowledge
103. Elijah and Elisha, a dialogue
104. The company of the wicked corrupts
105. To escape wrath should silence under all afflictions
106. Adoption
107. Connections
108. Degrees of nearness to God
109. Unbelief
110. Our short life should not give much concern
111. Faith
112. The three-fold state
113. Corruption
114. Grace
115. Love and immortality
116. Extremities
117. The astonishing portions
118. Noah’s ark
119. Acquaintances
120. An argument
121. On being ill-used
122. The Bible a store-house of instruction
123. Assurance
124. Our meditations cramped, unless stretched beyond death
125. How to be rich in heaven
126. Revenge rejected
127. The coming judgment
128. Against murmuring at misfortunes
129. A caution against excess of joy in any earthly good
130. The joy of salvation
131. On visits
132. The anguish of damnation
133. Sovereignty
134. The victory of faith
135. The necessity of afflictions while we live
136. Gibeon making peace with Israel
137. On the author’s first using glasses
138. On casting our care on God
139. The affection of a parent
140. On being made a noble
141. The singular advantages of poverty
142. A journey along the sea-shore
143. The British state lottery
144. On the works of creation
145. A prospect of death
146. A state after death
147. A glance into heavenly bliss


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