Miley Systematic Theology

Miley Systematic Theology (2 vols)

Miley Systematic Theology covers an introduction to Theology, Theism, Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology, and appendices on Inspiration, Angels, and the Arminian Treatment of Original Sin.

Miley Systematic Theology covers an introduction to Theology, Theism, Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology, and appendices on Inspiration, Angels, and the Arminian Treatment of Original Sin.

Miley Systematic Theology

Miley Systematic Theology(2 vols)

Contents of Miley Systematic Theology


Part 1 — Theism
1. Preliminary Questions
2. Proofs of Theism
3. Scientific Basis of Theology
4. Systemization a Right of Theology

Part II. Theology
1, God in Being
2. God in Personality
3. God in Attributes
4. Divine Predicables not Distinctively Attributes
5. God in Trinity
6. The Son of God
7. The Holy Spirit
8. Truth of the Trinity
9. God in Creation
10. God in Providence

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Part III — Anthropology
1. Preliminary Questions

2. Primitive Man
3. Questions of Primitive Holiness
4. The Primitive Probation
5. Temptation and Fall of Man
6. Doctrine of Native Depravity
7. Proofs of Native Depravity
8. Origin of Depravity
9. Realistic Mode of Adamic Sin
10. Representative Mode of Adamic Guilt
11. Genetic Law of Native Depravity
12. Doctrine of Native Demerit

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Part IV — Christology
1. The Person of Christ
2. The Divine Incarnation
3. Christ is Theanthropic
4. The Sympathy of Christ
5. Leading Errors in Christianity

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Alpha and Omega | Ascension of Christ | Baptism of Jesus | Birth of Jesus | Blood of Christ | Call of Christ | Call of Matthew | Character of Christ's Temptation | Christ | Christ a Refuge | Christ Crucified | Christ In His Suffering | Christ in the Old Testament | Christ is truly Human | Christ is truly Unique | Christ our Saviour | Christ the Head | Christ the Mediator | Christ's Boyhood | Christ's Incarnation | Christ's Obedience | Christ's Resurrection | Christ's Temptation | Christ's use of the OT | Christianity in Christ | Christocentric | Christology | Christology Study of Christ | Cleansing of the Temple | Condescension of Christ | Cross | Crucifixion | Crucifixion of Christ | Death of Christ | Deity of Jesus Christ | Deliver Men from Sin | Despisement of Christ | Doctrine of the Blood | Draught of Fishes | Emmanuel | Eternal Life in Christ | Everlasting Father | Example of Christ | Feeding | Forerunner | Friend of Sinners | Friendship of Christ | Fullness of Christ | Glory of the Cross | Good Shepherd | Healing man born blind | Healing the Demonised | Helpfulness of Christ | Himself took our infirmities | Historicity of Jesus | Humanity of Christ | Inaction of Christ | Incarnation. | intercession of Christ | Jesus | Jesus Christ | Jesus the Teacher | Jesus to be known by what he does | Jesus Virgin Birth | Jesus' Childhood and Youth | Jesus' Resurrection | Jesus' Teaching upon Sin | Last Supper | Leadership of Christ | Life of Christ | LifeChrist | Looking unto Jesus | Lord of Glory | Lordship of Christ | Magi | Man of God | Man of Sorrows | Marriage Feast in Cana of Galilee | Messiah | Mind of Christ | Mystery of Christ | Mystery of Godliness | Names of Christ | Nativity | Nativity of Jesus Christ | Not a word of Christ shall ever Fail | Offices of Christ | Our Need for a Savior | Paschal Supper | Passion of our Lord | Person of Christ | Personal Reign of Christ | Personality of Jesus | Pool of Bethesda | Poor Man's Guide and Friend | Prince of Peace | Propitiation | Purpose of Christ's SAcrifice | Purpose of the Ages | Purpose of the Cross | Quintessence of Christ | Radiance of Christ | Redemption of Christ | Rest of Christ | Resurrection of Christ | Salvator Mundi | Saving Christ | Saviorhood of Christ | Sayings on the Cross | Servitude of Christ | Son of God | Sonship | Spirit Death of Christ | Subsistence of Christ | Substitutionary Death of Christ | Sympathy of Christ | Syro-Phoenician Woman | Temper of Christ | Temptation means to End | Temptation of Jesus | Temptation of the Perfect Man | Temptation's Educational Aspects | Theophanies | Titles of Christ | Transfiguration | two genealogies of Jesus | Two Natures of Christ | Unable to Sin | Unjust Steward Parable | Unsearchable Riches of Christ | Virgin Birth | Virgin Mary | Well of Sychar | Wonderful | Yoke of Christ

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    Part V — Soteriology
    1. The Atonement in Christ
    2. The Salvation in Christ

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     security-of-the-saints eternal-security | A Question that should startle every man who is not a Christian | A solemn question for those who are rejecting Christ | Active and Passive Obedience of Christ | Administration of Redemption | Adoption | Almost Christian | Another Gospel | Assurance | Atonement | Atonement in its Results | Atonement of Christ | Attraction of the Cross | Backsliders | Blood | Blood Cleanses | Born again | Born of God | Call | Call of God | Calvary | Christ as our Ransomer | Christ's knowledge spiritual not academic | christian | Christian Righteousness | Christian Sanctification | Christian Sonship | Christian Titles | Circumcision of the Heart | Complete in Christ | Conversion | Cross Bearing | Cross Rejected | Dead man quickened | Disciple | Divine Purpose of Redemption | Divine Rule of Faith | Doctrine of Election | Effects of the Gospel | Effectual Calling | Elect in Bondage | Election | Eternal Hope | Eternal Life | Eternal Security | Evangelism | Except ye repent | Exclusion of Non-Election | Faith | Faith under Fire | Faith versus Works | Falling from Grace | From Infidelity to Faith | Full Assurance | Full Provision | Glorification | God is for Us | God's Call | Good works | Gospel | Gospel no Failure | Gospel of Christ | Gospel of God | Gospel of His Son | Gospel of the Glory of God | Gospel of the Kingdom | Gospel Vocation | Grace | Grow in Grace | Historical Manifestation of the Redeemer | Holiness of the Blood | Importance of Salvation | Impotence of the Law | Inquiring Sinner directed to the Cross | Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation | Jesus is the Proper Object of Faith | justification | Justification by Faith | Justification is by Grace alone | Life of the Elect | Lord our Righteousness | Man's Chief End | Meaning of the Blood | Means of Grace | Mediatorial Ministry | More Excellent Way | most important question that any man ever asked or answered | Names of the Redeemer | Nature and Means of Growth in Grace | Nature of Salvation | New Birth | New Converts | No Condemnation in Christ Jesus | Nothing but the Blood | Obedience to Christ gives Assurance | Old Old Story | Our Righteousness | Outward and Effectual Calling | Penitent Thief | Perseverance | Persevere in Faith | Perverting the Gospel | Predestination | Protection | Provision | Punishment After Death of Those Who Die in Their Sins | Ransom Election | Reality of the faith | Reconciliation | Redemption | Regeneration | Repentance | Representative Principle of Atonement | Rescue | Salvation | Salvation by Grace | Salvation of All Men | Salvation through the Blood | Satisfaction View of the Atonement | Saving Faith | Security of the Saints | Security-Perseverance | Serve the Lord | Significance of Christ's Death | Sin and Redemption | Soteriology | Soul-Winning | Spirit of Adoption | State of Salvation | Tenure of Covenant Blessings | The Only Way | The Way | True Discipleship | True Repentance | Unlimited Atonement | Way of Salvation made as Plain as Day | We cannot escape the Blood | Wells of Salvation | What Grace Teaches | What it costs not to be a Christian | Where will you spend eternity | Who is a Christian | Whosoever will | Working out our own Salvation | Workman that needeth not to be ashamed

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    Part VI — Eschatology
    1. Future Existence
    2. The Intermediate State
    3. The Second Advent
    4. The Resurrection
    5. The Judgment
    6. Future Punishment
    7. Future Blessedness

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    1. Inspiration of the Scriptures
    2. The Angels
    3. Arminian Treatment of Original Sin

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    John Miley, D.D., 1813-1895, was a Methodist theologian and professor of systematic theology at Drew Theological Seminary in Madison, New Jersey. Miley later became the chair of systematic theology. Miley graduated from Augusta College and, as a pastor, had held nineteen different appointments. Miley was one of “the Great Five” revered professors who led Drew for decades.

    He wrote this book to conform to the theology believed by Methodist Episcopal Church at that time. This book is Arminian—not based on Calvinism—i.e. man has free will.

    Many regarded Miley’s two volumes as one of the most substantial and well-knit statements of the Arminian theology produced in the nineteenth century.

    None will question that John Miley has a secure place among the stalwarts of American theology of whatsoever school. He stands with Hodge and Strong and Warfield, with Little and Raymond and Sheldon, with Dwight and Channing and Bushnell, and they have no occasion to be ashamed of his company. In respect of loyalty to Scripture, evangelical insight, and structural coherence, he worthily perpetuates the tradition established by the early English Methodist theologians, Benson, Watson, and Pope, with whom, he is one in spirit and in mental style. (From