Allee Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts?

Allee Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts? is a single chapter discussion about this question of why there needed to be 4 witnesses to Christ’s life.

Allee Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts? is a single chapter discussion about this question of why there needed to be 4 witnesses to Christ’s life.

Excerpt from Allee Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts?

Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts?
by Jacob Allee

Have you ever wondered why God inspired four different gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, earthly ministry, death and resurrection? As a young Christian I remember thinking to myself “Isn’t this kind of repetitive, especially the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) which are so very similar to each other?” What’s the point? Well it may interest you to know (and hopefully you were already aware) that God is smarter than you and I and He had great purpose in the writing and preservation of the four gospels in our Bible.

Do you like court room dramas? Whether it be a TV show or movies, we have all seen them. We have seen the lawyer call up his next witness and she gives her take upon the events in question. One witness is good, but multiple witnesses are better. The more witnesses we have of an event, the more evidence we can collect as to what really happened. However, multiple witnesses alone don’t equal an airtight case because sometimes not all witnesses are honest.

Let’s say for example that you have four witnesses in a murder trial. The prosecuting attorney calls one up and he gives his testimony about what happened: “I saw the defendant shoot that woman, he was wearing a green Abercrombie and Fitch polo shirt, he had blue eyes, dark hair, the gun was a Glock 45, and he had this creepy smile on his face, with a mole on his right cheek, it was that man sitting right there, I saw him with my own eyes.” Then the next witness is called up and she says the exact same thing that the first witness did, word for word, verbatim. Then the third takes the stand and says the exact same thing, verbatim, and the fourth witness does likewise. Does this make for a solid case against the defendant?

Jacob Allee

Jacob Allee has a B.A. in Religion & Apologetics from Luther Rice University and is currently working to complete an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Piedmont Baptist Graduate School. Jacob is a Certified Apologetics Instructor for the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and has completed certifications in apologetics from Biola University and the Cross-Examined Instructor Academy with Dr. Frank Turek.

Jacob is a Student Ministries Pastor, as well as, a writer and speaker on numerous topics related to Christian theology, philosophy and apologetics. Jacob has spoken to collegiate ministries, summer camps, Christian schools and churches on topics such as the Reliability of the Bible, Darwinism in Crisis, Arguments for God’s Existence, Defeating Moral Relativism, Defending the Trinity, The Problem of Evil, Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ, and more. For more information about Jacob and his ministry, you can visit


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