Arnold Atonement of Christ Redemption Applied

Arnold Atonement of Christ Redemption Applied

Arnold Atonement of Christ Redemption Applied is a three chapter work on the Atonement of Christ and Redemption Applied.

Arnold Atonement of Christ Redemption Applied is a three chapter work on the Atonement of Christ and Redemption Applied.

The Atonement of Christ and The Redemption Applied

Rev. Duane C. Arnold Sr. © copyright 1982. Rev. Duane C. Arnold Sr.
All rights reserved. This work may be used for ministry purposes without the prior permission of the author. All other purposes must have permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

All scripture quotes contained herein are from The New Scofield Reference Bible, Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version, Editor C. I. Scofield, D. D., Oxford University Press, New York, NY 1967.

Rev. Duane C. Arnold Sr.
Southport Baptist Church
956 Pennsylvania Avenue
Elmira, New York 14904.
darnoldsr 1@aol. com

Published by
Date electronically published April 4,2014.

Webmaster: David Cox email: [email protected]
Edited and Formatted by: David Cox, 2014, 2021

Contents of Arnold Atonement of Christ Redemption Applied

A. The Atonement of Christ
1. The purpose of the atonement of Christ – to Glorify God
2. The atonement as viewed through God’s Omniscience Infinite Eternity
3. The atonement as viewed through God’s Sovereign
4. The atonement as viewed through the Doctrines of Decree and Election
5. Limited atonement as it relates to preaching the Gospel

B. The Redemption Applied
1. Regeneration – God’s part
a. Total Depravity – defined
b. Irresistible Grace – defined
c. Regeneration – defined
d. Salvation


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The writer will consider in this paper the atonement of Christ and the initial action of salvation called regeneration. Within the parameters of this paper there will be no attempt to examine all the various doctrines of atonement that could be mentioned. If the reader desires to do a more in depth study of these various doctrines, Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology Vol. II is recommended. This paper will examine the atonement as it relates to these attributes of God; Omniscience; Omnipotence; Sovereignty; and His Infinite Eternity.

This paper will examine the doctrine of Limited Atonement and demonstrate how an understanding of this doctrine necessitates the denial of the free will of man. The author of this paper has been called stupid for holding to this doctrine, as well as accused of having become a Hyper-Calvinist, and many more names and accusations that won’t be mentioned here. This paper will consider the doctrine of Limited Atonement and deal briefly with how it pertains to preaching the gospel. Also provide consideration of how Limited Atonement intertwines with the doctrines of Regeneration, Total Depravity and Irresistible Grace as they are brought to bear in the working out of the salvation of men. It will be revealed that these three doctrines necessitate a specific form of regeneration, which becomes key to understanding the other doctrines.

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