Pink – Christian Doctrine

Pink’s work, Christian Doctrine, has 9 parts in which he examines the Existence of God, Scripture, God’s Subjective revelation, Revelation in Glory, Election, Man’s Impotency, Justification, Reconciliation, and Sanctification.

Pink, Arthur W. – Gleanings in the Godhead, the Attributes of God

In this 25 chapter work, Pink examines God (Godhead) looking at his solitariness, his knowledge, his foreknowledge, his supremacy, his sovereignty, his immutability, his holiness, his power, his faithfulness, his goodness, his patience, his grace, his mercy, his loving-kindness, the love of God, the wrath of God, the gifts of God, the bounties of God, the guidance of God, the blessings of God, the curses of God, and the decrees of God among others.

Pink – Divine Inspiration of the Bible

This is a 14 chapter work on the Divine inspiration of Scripture looking at the character and quality of God’s Word, Verbal inspiration.