DCox Angel from Bible Dictionaries

DCox -Angels from Bible Dictionaries is a smaller module (actually has a lot of information) which I have compiled and added to this with my own writings. These are basically Bible Dictionary entries on the word Angel.

Multiple – Demon Experiences in Many Lands

This work of 31 chapters is simply different chapters of experiences by missionaries and others with demonic activity from different countries around the world. Some chapters are Modern Demon Posession, Demonology, Saved and Delivered, Relpase? Under the curse, etc.

Parson Satan’s devices and the believer’s victory

Parsons Satan’s devices and the believer’s victory 312 page work investigating Satan and his works and characteristics

Murray Christian Armour Eph 6:10-18

Murray’s work, The Christian Armour, was written as Europe was in turmoil and war. He sees parallels between the world of his day (politically and the war perspective) and this passage of Scripture. Murray’s main focus in on the spiritual warfare. Note that this is an inspirational/motivational work that has a few verses each chapter, and the author launches into exhortations from them. This is not high expositional work then.

McRae Lectures on Satan

McRae Lectures on Satan is an 11 chapter work on the basic facts of Satan, sin, power of Satan and his demons, etc.

Chafer Major Bible Themes

Presenting 49 Vital Doctrines of the Scriptures, Abbreviated and Simplified for Popular Use, Including Suggestive Questions on Each Topical and Textual Indices.

Chafer – Satan

A 12 Chapter study on the person of Satan by L.S. Chafer (Dallas Seminary). Chapters run the Career of Satan, ages, course of this age, this age and the Satanic system, the Satanic Host, Satan’s motive and methods, the man of sin, the fatal omission, modern devices, the believer’s present position and present victory.