Welch Satan His Snares, Devices and Goal

Welch Satan His Snares, Devices and Goal

Welch Satan His Snares, Devices and Goal is a short 20 page work on Satan’s plans devices and goals.

Welch Satan His Snares, Devices and Goal is a short 20 page work on Satan’s plans devices and goals.

SATAN: His Snares, Devices and Goal

A brief examination of an exhaustive theme, intended as a warning, as the day of Apostacy approaches
by Charles H. Welch

This is a single chapter work. Below are the topics in this chapter.

Topics within this short work on Satan: His snares, devices and Goal

Satan, a fallen being
The Wiles of the Devil
-False Accusation
-His Aim — World Worship
-His Aim — Usurpation of the place of Christ


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Excerpt from SATAN

It is the glory of our high calling that ‘Christ is all’ (Col. 3:11), and at first there may be a natural reaction to devoting time and space ‘all about the Devil’, but a second thought will show that this is illogical, for we might as well say that we need to devote no thought to the nature and consequences of sin seeing we are forgiven, or exhibit no interest in prophecy seeing that our calling is related to a ‘mystery’ (secret) which was hidden in God.

If there is a mighty spiritual foe, who, though fallen, is extremely wise, surely he will need no instruction from us in the art of camouflage, and those believers who have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a personal Devil, are just aiding and abetting him in his evil designs. If it be extraneous to study what is written concerning ‘That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan’ (Rev. 12:9), then the writers of Scripture have made a serious mistake, for this entering the pages of Scripture in Genesis 3, and under various titles and symbols leaves the trail of his horrid track until disposed of in Revelation 20. The following diagram may help to convince the reader of the integral part Satan plays in the outworking of the purpose of the ages. The word translated deep in Genesis 1:2 is, in the LXX, the same as that translated ‘the bottomless pit’ in Revelation 20. If that which hath been is that which shall be (Eccles. 1:9), we realize how this principle works out in this connection. The garden planted eastward in Eden, with the Tree of Life, in Genesis 2:8,9, is repeated in Revelation 22:2.

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The Beginning
Gen 1:1
The Bottomless Pit
The Serpent
The Ages All Scripture
The Serpent
The Bottomless Pit
The End 1 Cor 15:24

We shall return to this analysis later; at the moment we are concerned with the question of identity. The eighth Psalm which looks back to the first Adam and onward to the last refers to an ‘enemy’ that is to be ‘stilled’. As an explanation to the bewildered disciples as to why the

2 Satan

earthly Kingdom proclamation, together with its King, had been rejected, the Saviour said: ‘An enemy hath done this’, and explained that ‘The enemy that sowed them (the tares) is the Devil’ (Matt. 13:28,29,39). Peter admonished his readers:

‘Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour’ (1 Pet. 5:8).

The book of the Revelation is admittedly a book of signs and symbols, many of which cannot be taken literally. But shall we say that ‘The Lion of the tribe of Juda’ (Rev. 5:5), ‘a Lamb as it had been slain’ (Rev. 5:6), the One Whose name is called ‘The Word of God’ (Rev. 19:13) out of Whose mouth ‘goeth a sharp sword’ (Rev. 19:15), ‘the Root and the Offspring of David’ (Rev. 22:16), are only symbols of Government and not titles of a Person? When we read:

‘There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not’ (Rev. 12:7,8), shall we say that while Michael is really the Archangel and not merely a symbol, the dragon is only a symbol and not a person? John follows this reference with a definite statement, saying:
‘That old serpent called the Devil, and Satan’ (Rev. 12:9). … continued in book

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