Austin-Sparks Life of the Spirit

Austin-Sparks was formerly a Baptist, and he got caught up in the Holiness Revival going on at the time. He was friends with Watchman Nee and Jesse Penn-Lewis. These three are big names and leaders in the Holiness movement. While I personally do not agree with everything going on in that movement, the movement itself produced an emphasis on being holy which few other groups outside of it made much attempt at all. There is a lot of gems within that movement and their writings.

Spurgeon, C.H. – The Golden Alphabet

The 119 Psalm is divided in Hebrew by the Hebrew Alphabet, with the first section, for example, all lines begin with the Aleph, the first letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, thus the Golden Alphabet. Spurgeon’s sermon is based on this framework.

Miller, J.R. – In His Steps

In Miller’s In His Steps, Miller looks at 12 chapters of points of view of the Christian life, like beginning well, uniting with the church, the Bible, prayers, working for Christ, the duties of a church member, etc.

Anderson Robert – The Silence of God Theodicy

Anderson Silence of God theodicy is about when God is silent, the silence of God, which in theology it is theodicy. Why doesn’t God immediately vindicate his children.