Boettner – Limited Atonement

In this 9 chapter work, Boettner (Reformed, Presbyterian) presents us with the doctrine of the limited atonement, i.e. Christ only died for the elect. He first states the doctrine, the examines the infinite value of Christ’s atonement, the limited purpose and application of the atonement, Christ’s work as a perfect fulfillment of the law, a ransom, the divine purpose, and the exclusion of the non-elect.

Alexander, Archibald – A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Alexander, Archibald – A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Pope – Compendium of Christian Theology

William Burt Pope’s Compendium of Christian Theology is a work different from other theologies. He is definitely reformed in his view, but his presentation of the doctrines is not “standard” all the way around. For example, the names of the Redeemer, he doesn’t just give us a list of names, but a treatment of the idea in general.

Bonar H – The Rent Veil

Horatius Bonar’s work the Rent Veil is about the thick veil in the temple in Jerusalem between the holy of holies and where the people came to present sacrifices. On the moment of Christ’s death, it was rent in two. This represents the division between God and man because of sin. Christ fixed it with his death on the cross.

Luginbill – Christology Study of Christ

This is a Study of Christ, Christology, by Luginbill. He covers the following topics: I. The Person of Jesus Christ. 1. Jesus Christ is truly Divine. 2. Jesus Christ is truly Human. 3. Jesus Christ is truly Unique. 4. The Names of Jesus Christ Reflect His Perfect Person and His Perfect Work. 5. The Life of Jesus Christ. II. The Saving Work of Jesus Christ. 1. Our Need for a Savior. 2. The Substitutionary Death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. 3. Unlimited Atonement. 4. The Blood of Christ. 5. The Spiritual Death of Christ. 6. Propitiation. 7. Redemption. 8. Justification. 9. Reconciliation. 10. Summary of the Work of Christ in Effecting Salvation

Edersheim, Alfred – OT Temple – Its Ministry and Service

Alfred Edersheim was a Christian of Jewish descendent. His work reflects a profound understanding of Jewish culture. This particular work deals with the inner workings of the Temple, both the physical structure, its ministers and ministry (service). An excellent resource book for any student of Scripture.

Aycock – Crimson Stream

Crimson Stream is written by Nazarene author Jarrette Aycock, and it is a compilation of 15 chapters of thoughts and sermons on the blood of Christ, and the atonement.

Boettner – Atonement

Loraine Boettner was Presbyterian, and wrote this work on the Atonement, which explains the significance of Christ’s death in the scheme of God’s salvation created and given to us. In this 6 chapter book, Boettner (Reformed Presbyterian) examines the atonement. His chapters are the Atonement, the Significance of Christ’s Death, the Satisfaction View of the Atonement, the Active and Passive obedience of Christ, Christ as Our Redeemer, and the Representative Principle.

Wiseman From Pollution to Purity

This is a 4 chapter work by Wiseman (Methodist)(Holiness) on purity (Sanctification). Although his chapters run Sin, Atonment, New Birth, and Sanctification, he has about 18 topics of which each of these four are just one in the list.