Carroll – Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments was written by famed Southern Baptist preacher, B.H. Carroll. Carroll guides the reader through the history between the Old Testament and the New Testament. At the conclusion of each chapter there are a set of study questions for the Bible student to digest and answer.

Torrey, R.A. – Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God?

In R.A. Torrey’s Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God, Torrey deals with several issues. First of all, he identifies those who believe in inerrancy and those who don’t. Secondly he deals with difficulties in the Bible. Then he turns his attention to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Fairbairn, Patrick – The Typology of Scripture (2 vols)

Fairbairn, Patrick – The Typology of Scripture (2 vols) is one of the standards in the field of Typology in Biblical studies. The study is itself is “replete and complete” with historical, intra-Biblical, and interdepartmental evaluations of typology. The language is ornate and intricate in Fairbairn’s writing style but well worth the effort to follow.

Smith – Basics of Bible Interpretation

This is a primer on Interpreting the Bible by Pastor Bob Smith. He has 13 chapters on how to interpret the Bible, and his form is very easy to read and understand.

Thomas – Biblical Hermeneutics: Foundational Considerations

A gradual drift from confidence in the integrity of the Bible is well underway. A vast portion of Christendom does not adhere to belief in the verbal (every word) plenary (in every section) inspiration (God-breathed) and thus inerrancy of God’s word. Believers with a high view of inspiration need to face this reality as David faced Goliath—not intimidated, but ready to take up the challenge.

Torrey How to Study the Bible

In Torrey’s How to study the Bible, he looks at an overview of Bible study, with attention to different kinds or methods of how to study the Bible. He examines studying individual books, topical studies, types, etc.

Torrey Principles of Biblical Interpretation

Torrey’s work, Principles of Biblical Interpretation, is directed towards applying sound principles of Bible exposition in the interpretation and understanding of God’s word. 

Wiseman – The Miracle Book and its Key (the Bible)

This is a seven chapter work on Prayer by Holiness preacher Wiseman. He looks at the Example of Prayer, the Pattern, the Parable, the Promise, the Definiteness, the Law, and the Great Subject of Prayer.