Wiseman – The Miracle Book and its Key (the Bible)

This is a seven chapter work on Prayer by Holiness preacher Wiseman. He looks at the Example of Prayer, the Pattern, the Parable, the Promise, the Definiteness, the Law, and the Great Subject of Prayer.

The Miracle Book and its Key (the Bible)

By Peter Wiseman
AIM: Methodist-Holiness, Peter Wiseman.
CIM: Bibliology, Registry.
Version: October 10, 2014


In this work by holiness preacher Wiseman, he examines the Bible in its miraculous aspect. The holiness movement is a branch off of Methodism (John Wesley) and part of their “obsession” (if you can call it that) is to see evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life. In this obession, a branch of them have turned to speaking in tongues as the evidence, others visions and new revelations, and others miracles. So this is basically where he is coming from as far as perspective.


Chapter 1 – The Miracle Book — The Wonderful Book Of God
Chapter 2 – The Key To The Miracle Book — How To Study It

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Works on Speaking in Tongues

About Peter Wiseman

Peter Wiseman
Peter Wiseman

Peter Wiseman taught in various Holiness colleges, and was also a camp-meeting preacher. He was for a time pastor of the Detroit Holiness Tabernacle, and later served as an instructor in the Department of Theology at the Missionary Training Institute, Nyack, New York. Dr. Wiseman is the author of many books and pamphlets.

To read some of Wiseman’s works online, visit https://www.raptureready.com/resource/wiseman/wiseman.html.