Thomas – Biblical Hermeneutics: Foundational Considerations

A gradual drift from confidence in the integrity of the Bible is well underway. A vast portion of Christendom does not adhere to belief in the verbal (every word) plenary (in every section) inspiration (God-breathed) and thus inerrancy of God’s word. Believers with a high view of inspiration need to face this reality as David faced Goliath—not intimidated, but ready to take up the challenge.

Biblical Hermeneutics: Foundational Considerations

Biblical Hermeneutics: Foundational Considerations
By Dr. Robert L. Thomas (Biblical Hermeneutics)

A gradual drift from confidence in the integrity of the Bible is well underway. A vast portion of Christendom does not adhere to belief in the verbal (every word) plenary (in every section) inspiration (God-breathed) and thus inerrancy of God’s word. Believers with a high view of inspiration need to face this reality as David faced Goliath—not intimidated, but ready to take up the challenge.

Table of Contents of Biblical Hermeneutics: Foundational Considerations

How to Remedy the Drifting
General Introduction
Clarifying the Definition
Schema of Relationships – Between Fields of Theological Study – #1The Foundational Nature of Hermeneutics
Recent Additions to the Foundation
Schema of Relationships – Between Fields of Theological Study – #2Reasons Why the Current Foundation Is Shaky
The Source of Preunderstandings
Frequently Undermined Recently Emerging Bogus Systems
The Needed Response


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