
Teasley Holy Spirit and Other Spirits

Teasley Holy Spirit and Other Spirits is about the Holy Spirit’s effect on the believer as wells as how other spirits (demons) try to affect mankind with specific unholy spirits.

Teasley Holy Spirit and Other Spirits is about the Holy Spirit’s effect on the believer as wells as how other spirits (demons) try to affect mankind with specific unholy spirits.

THE HOLY SPIRIT and other spirits

by Daniel Otis Teasley, May 15, 1903

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Teasley Holy Spirit and Other Spirits

Dedication / Preface

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit of Promise
Dispensation of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit Dispensation Is the Last One
The Presidency of the Holy Spirit

New Birth
Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire
Earnest of the Spirit
Seal of the Spirit
Covenant (Part I)
Covenant (Part II)
Leadings of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit as a Comforter
Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Benefits of the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Spirit
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit
Sin Against the Holy Spirit
Gifts of the Spirit
Errors Concerning the Holy Spirit Refuted
Temple of the Holy Spirit
The Gift Unspeakable (Poem of 51 stanzas)

Introduction to Part Second
Deceptive Spirits
Possessed with Devils
Magnetic Healing
Christian Science
Shaking Spirits
Spirit of Free Love
Spirit of Compromise
Accusing Spirits
Doubting Spirits


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Anointing Oil | Another Comforter | Baptism of the Spirit | Baptism with Fire | Benefits of Spiritual Baptism | Born of Water and of Spirit | Breath of god | Comforter | Counselor | Deity of the Holy Spirit | Discerning of Spirits | Dispensation of the Holy Spirit | Dove and the Spirit | Earnest | Earnest Desire | Filling of Holy Spirit | Filling of the Holy Spirit | First fruits of the Spirit | Fruit of the Spirit | Fruits of the Spirit | full of the Holy Ghost | Full of the Holy Spirit | Full of the Spirit | fulness of the Spirit | Gift of Healing | Gift of Miracles | Gift of the Spirit | Gifts of the Spirit | Golden lamps | graces of the Spirit | Great Sympathizer | Grieving the Holy Spirit | Healing | Holy Spirit | Holy Spirit and the Believer's Body | Holy Spirit as a Teacher | Holy Spirit bearing witness to Jesus Christ | Holy Spirit Forming Christ within Us | Holy Spirit Governing from Heaven | Holy Spirit Guiding | Holy Spirit in NT | Holy Spirit in OT | Holy Spirit indwelling | Holy Spirit of Promise | Holy Spirit-Regeneration | Holy Spirit's Purpose | Holy Spirits Coming | In Christ | Indwelling of Spirit | Indwelling Spirit | Intercessor | Leading of the Holy Spirit | Life more abundantly | Living Waters | Love of the Holy Ghost | Manifestations of the Holy Spirit | Ministry of the Spirit | Miracle | Names of the Holy Spirit | Names of the Spirit | Oil and the Spirit | Olive Trees | Outpouring of the Spirit | Paraclete-Comforter | Person and Work of The Holy Spirit | Person of the Holy Spirit | Plenitude of the Spirit | Prayer in the Spirit | Presidency of the Holy Spirit | Promise of the Holy Spirit | Receive ye the Holy Spirit | Rivers of Living Water | Seal | Sealing of the Holy Spirit | Seven Spirits of God | Sin against the Holy Spirit | Speaking in Tongues | Spirit and Faith | Spirit as Fire | Spirit Birth | Spirit filled Church | Spirit of Inspiration | Spirit of Resurrection | Spirit of Truth | Spirit of Wisdom | Spirit-filled Man | Spirit's Testimony to Our Sonship | Spiritual Baptism | Spiritual Gifts | Spiritual Offices | Spiritual Strengthening | Still Small Voice | Sword of the Spirit | Temple of the Holy Spirit | Tides of the Spirit | Tongues | Valley of Ditches | Well of Water | Word of Faith | Word of Knowledge | Works of the Holy Spirit


To all who seek a closer walk with God, a better understanding of the Scriptures, and clearer leadings of the Holy Spirit; and to those who desire to escape the wiles of evil spirits and shun the deceptive pitfalls of sin, this volume is prayer fully dedicated.

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In offering this volume to the public, custom and duty demands me to add a few prefatory remarks.
The reader will find herein treated a variety of subjects, none of which have been selected to take up time or space. Many others have presented themselves to the author’s mind, but only those subjects of the greatest importance have been chosen.

Part I is given exclusively to a treatise on the Holy Spirit, and is concluded by a poem, “The Gift Unspeakable,” written expressly for this work by my friend and co-laborer, Robert Rothman.

Part II contains an exposition of evil spirits and their diabolical works. Thousands of such evil spirits and false ways could be mentioned, but we have treated only a few of the most prevalent and dangerous spirits of the present day.

I have not tried to be exhaustive in any of the subjects herein mentioned for several reasons: (1) Because the general reader appreciates practicability more than technicality; (2) Because most of the work has been prosecuted in the midst of evangelistic duties which robbed me of the assistance of reference books; (3) Because, like all other men, and much more than some others, I have been limited by my own fallible strength.

Whatever success I have achieved is due to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the gracious help of my Lord, who is the comfort and joy of my life. Whatever trace of fallibility the reader may find here he, or she, is humbly asked to pardon; but for the plain and definite truths herein contained I have no excuse to offer. Truth alone will free the soul from the bondage of sin and fit it to dwell above. Knowing this, I have told the truth, so far as my circumstances and ability would allow, unmixed with the poison of error or the leaven of compromise.

In this work the author has had two principal objects in view: (1) It has been my object to explain the Holy Spirit, His leadings, operations, etc., that the reader might “acquaint himself with God and be at peace.” (2) It has been my object to expose the workings of the spirits of devils, that the reader might escape the wily schemes with which they lie in wait to deceive. [5]

How well I have succeeded in revealing the beauties of the Holy Spirit and exposing the baseness of evil spirits, my readers must judge.

With a fervent prayer that these humble efforts may help some weary traveler on life’s way, or encourage some soul whom Satan has cast down, I am most sincerely,

Yours in Christ,
D. O. Teasley
Moundsville, W. Va., May 15, 1903 [/expand]

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