Grant, F.W. - Facts and Theories as to a Future State

Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State

Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State is a work on what happens to man’s body and soul after death. Many theories exist, but what does the Bible say?

Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State is a work on what happens to man’s body and soul after death. Many theories exist, but what does the Bible say?

Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State

By Frederick W. Grant

Contents, Preface and Introduction — Forms of Denial of Eternal Punishment

Part 1. — Man as he is
Chapter 1. — Is the Body All?
Chapter 2. — Man a Triune Being
Chapter 3. — The Spirit of God
Chapter 4. — The Spirit of Man
Chapter 5. — The Soul
Chapter 6. — Functions and Relationships of Soul and Spirit
Chapter 7. — Soul and Self
Chapter 8. — The Fall
Chapter 9. — Man’s Relationship to God

Part 2. — Death and the Intermediate State

Chapter 10. — Death
Chapter 11. — Consciousness after Death. — 1
Chapter 12. — Consciousness after Death. — 2
Chapter 13. — Objections from the Old Testament
Chapter 14. — Sheol, Hades, and Paradise
Part 3. — The Eternal Issues
Chapter 15. — The Authority and Use of Scripture
Chapter 16. — Immortality: Is it Conditional?
Chapter 17. — Eternal Life: What is it?
Chapter 18. — The First Sentence
Chapter 19. — Destruction and its Kindred Terms — The Old Testament
Chapter 20. — The New Testament Terms
Chapter 21. — A Further Survey of the Scripture Terms
Chapter 22. — The Provisional Character of Death
Chapter 23. — The Ministry of Death
Chapter 24. — The Purification and Blessing of the Earth
Chapter 25. — Old Testament Shadows
Chapter 26. — The Ages of Eternity. — The Question Stated
Chapter 27. — The New Testament Solution of the Question
Chapter 28. — The New Testament Scriptures as to the Judgment of the World
Chapter 29. — The Resurrection of Judgment
Chapter 30. — Judgment: When and What?
Chapter 31. — The Doom of Satan
Chapter 32. — Gehenna
Chapter 33. — The Apocalyptic Visions — 1
Chapter 34. — The Apocalyptic Visions — 2
Chapter 35. — The Apocalyptic Visions — 3
Chapter 36. — “Everlasting Punishment” in Mat_25:1-46
Chapter 37. — “The Gospel of Hope.”
Chapter 38. — Annihilist – Restorationism. — Mr. Dunn’s Theory
Chapter 39. — “The Restitution of all Things.” — Mr Jukes
Chapter 40. — “The Restitution of All Things.” — Canon Farrar
Chapter 41. — Mr. Birks’ View
Chapter 42. — The Ethical Question
Chapter 43. — Last Words with Annihilationists
Chapter 44. — Last Words with Restorationists

Appendix of Grant, F.W. – Facts and Theories as to a Future State
The Andover Theology, Swedenborgianism


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