Watson, Thomas - Body of Practical Divinity

Watson, Thomas – Body of Practical Divinity

Thomas Watson Body of Practical Divinity is a set of sermons on different doctrinal topics of the Westminster Catechism.

Thomas Watson Body of Practical Divinity is a set of sermons on different doctrinal topics of the Westminster Catechism.

Body of Practical Divinity

By Thomas Watson

Contained in sermons upon the Westminster Catechism


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More Works by Thomas Watson

CHOICE EXCERPTS from Watson Body of Practical Divinity

Man’s Chief End
The Scriptures
God and His Creation

More Works on Bibliology

More Works on Creation-Evolution

Part 1: Being of God, Omnipresence, Omniscience

The Being of God
The Omnipresence of God
The Omniscience of God

More Works on Theology Proper (God)

More Works on Omnipresence of God

More Works on Omniscience of God

Part 2: Eternity of God, Immutability, Wisdom, Omnipotence

The Eternity of God
The Immutability of God
The Wisdom of God
The Omnipotence of God

More Works on the Eternity of God

More Works on the Immutability of God

More Works on the Wisdom of God

More Works on the Omnipotence of God

Part 3: Holiness of God, Justice, Mercy, Truth

The Holiness of God
The Justice of God
The Mercy of God
The Truth of God

More Works on the Holiness of God

More Works on the Justice of God

More Works on the Mercy of God

More Works on the Truth of God

Part 4: Unity of God, the Trinity, Creation, the Fall, offices of Christ

The Unity of God
The Trinity
The Creation
The Providence of God
The Fall
The Covenant of Works
Adam’s Sin
Original Sin
Man’s Misery By The Fall
The Covenant of Grace and its Mediator
The Covenant of Grace
Christ, the Mediator of the Covenant
Christ’s Prophetic Office
Christ’s Priestly Office
Christ’s Kingly Office
Christ’s Humiliation in His Incarnation
Christ’s Exaltation
Christ the Redeemer
The Application of Redemption

More Works on the Unity of God

More Works on the Trinity

More Works on the Fall

    More Works on the Offices of Christ

    Part 1: Faith, Effectual Calling, Justification, Adoption

    Effectual Calling

    More Works on Faith

    More Works on the Effectual Calling, Calling of God

    More Works on Justification

    More Works on Adoption

    Part 2: Sanctification, Assurance


    More Works on Sanctification

    More Works on Assurance

    Part 3: Peace, Joy, Perseverance, Death

    Growth in Grace
    Death and the last day

    More Works on Peace

    More Works on Joy

    More Works on Perseverance

    More Works on Death

    Part 1: Death

    The Death of the Righteous
    A Believer’s Privilege at Death

    Part 2: The Resurrection

    The Resurrection

    More Works on the Resurrection