Morris – Men of Science, Men of God’s Creation

Men of Science, Men of God’s Creation by Henry Morris is an eight chapter work examining Great Scientists of the Past who believed the Bible.

Men of Science, Men of God’s Creation

Men of Science, Men of God’s Creation
By Henry Morris

Men of Science, Men of God’s Creation by Henry Morris is an eight chapter work examining Great Scientists of the Past who believed the Bible.

Table of Contents for Men of Science, Men of God’s Creation

Chapter 1 The Biblical Origins of Modern Science
Chapter 2 The Test of Experience
Chapter 3 The Founders of Modern Science
Leonardo da Vinci
Johann Kepler
Francis Bacon
Blaise Pascal
Robert Boyle
John Ray
Nicolaus Steno
Thomas Burnet
Athanasius Kircher
John Wilkins
Walter Charleton
Sir William Petty
Isaac Barrow
Increase Mather
Nehemiah Grew
Robert Hooke
William Harvey
Christian Huygens
Tycho Brahe
Nicholas Copernicus
Chapter 4 The Age of Newton
Isaac Newton
William Whiston
John Woodward
Carolus Linnaeus
Jonathan Edwards
William Herschel
John Harris
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz
John Flamsteed
William Derham
Cotton Mather
John Hutchinson
Gustavus Brander
Jean Deluc
Richard Kirwan
James Parkinson
Chapter 5 Just Before Darwin
Michael Faraday
Humphrey Davy
Georges Cuvier
Timothy Dwight
Benjamin Silliman
Charles Bell
William Buckland
Charles Babbage
David Brewster
John Herschel
John Dalton
William Kirby
Jedidiah Morse
Benjamin Barton
Samuel Miller
John Kidd
Peter Mark Roget
Thomas Chalmers
William Prout
Samuel F. B. Morse
Joseph Henry
Matthew Maury
James Simpson
James Joule
Adam Sedgwick
William Whewell
Henry Rogers
Chapter 6 Just After Darwin
Louis Agassiz
James Dana
John William Dawson
George Stokes
Charles Piazzi Smyth
Rudolph Virchow
Philip H. Gosse
Gregor Mendel
Louis Pasteur
Henri Fabre
William Thompson, Lord Kelvin
Joseph Lister
Joseph Clerk Maxwell
Bernhard Riemann
John Bell Pettigrew
George Romanes
Richard Owen
Edward Hitchcock
Sir Henry Rawlinson
Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert
Thomas Anderson
Sir William Huggins
Balfour Stewart
P. G. Tait
John Murray
James Glaisher
Chapter 7 The Modern Period
Edward H. Maunder
William Mitchell Ramsay
John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh
Alexander MacAlister
A. H. Sayce
John Ambrose Fleming
Howard A. Kelly
George Washington Carver
Charles Stine
Douglas Dewar
Paul Lemoine
William Ramsay
Wernher von Braun
Sir William Abney
A. Rendle Short
L. Merson Davies
Sir Cecil P. G. Wakeley
Chapter 8 The Revival Of Creationism
Creation Research Society
American Scientific Affiliation
Bible-Science Association
Institute for Creation Research
Appendix: Key Contributions of Bible-Believing Scientists of the Past


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