Gray, J.M. – Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent and Proof

This work (Inspiration of the Bible) is an examination of the Inspiration of Scripture in four chapters Definiton, Extent, Proof, and Difficulties..

The Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, and Proof

The Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, and Proof
BY JAMES M. GRAY, D. D., Dean Of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Ill.

This work (Gray is Episcopalian) is an examination of the Inspiration of Scripture in four chapters.

Contents of Inspiration of the Bible

The Inspiration of the Bible — Definition, Extent and Proof
1. Definition of Inspiration
2. Extent of Inspiration
3. Proof of Inspiration
A. Argument for the Old Testament
B. Argument for the New Testament
C. Argument for the Words
4. Difficulties and Objections


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