Spurgeon, C.H. – The Golden Alphabet

The 119 Psalm is divided in Hebrew by the Hebrew Alphabet, with the first section, for example, all lines begin with the Aleph, the first letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, thus the Golden Alphabet. Spurgeon’s sermon is based on this framework.

Carroll – Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments was written by famed Southern Baptist preacher, B.H. Carroll. Carroll guides the reader through the history between the Old Testament and the New Testament. At the conclusion of each chapter there are a set of study questions for the Bible student to digest and answer.

Meyer, FB – Peter: Fisherman, Apostle, Disciple

This book captures the complex life of Peter, from his first call to leave his nets to fish for men through his denial of the Lord to the Day of Pentecost and ending with Peter’s death in Rome.