Rossier, H.L. – Simon Peter

In Rossier’s work, Simon Peter, he looks at 13 different points in the life of Peter, such as the declaration that I am a sinful man, Peter’s walking on the water, Peter’s beholding Christ in glory, etc.

Simon Peter

Simon Peter
By H.L. Rossier

In Rossier’s work, Simon Peter, he looks at 13 different points in the life of Peter, such as the declaration that I am a sinful man, Peter’s walking on the water, Peter’s beholding Christ in glory, etc.


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Contents of Simon Peter

1 “I am a sinful man.” Luk 5:1-11.
2 Peter going to Jesus on the water. Mat 14:22-33.
3 Personal Acquaintance with Christ. Mat 16:13-23.
4 “Come after me.” Mat 16:24-28.
5 Beholding Christ in Glory. Mat 17:1-8; Luk 9:28-34; 2Pe 1:16-19.
6 The Father’s House. Luk 9:34-36.
7 Relationship with the Son. Mat 17:24-27.
8 Washing of the Feet and Communion. John 13.
9 Peter enters into Temptation. Luk 22:31-62.
10 The Sepulchre. Joh 20:1-18.
11 Service and Food. Joh 21:1-14.
12 The Soul Restored. Joh 21:15-19.
13 “Follow me.” Joh 21:18-19.

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