Allies Saint Peter His Name and His Office

Allies – Saint Peter his Name and his Office (Catholic)

This work by Catholic author Allies, Saint Peter his Name and his Office, is a Catholic defense of the papacy. He looks to exalt Peter over the rest of the Apostles and tries to make Peter the foundation or Rock of the Church. Essentially he is trying to make Peter to be ‘another christ.’

Saint Peter his Name and his Office

Saint Peter his Name and his Office
by Allies

This work by Catholic author Allies, Saint Peter his Name and his Office, is a Catholic defense of the papacy. He looks to exalt Peter over the rest of the Apostles and tries to make Peter the foundation or Rock of the Church. Essentially he is trying to make Peter to be ‘another christ.’

Version 1.2 David Cox 5/24/2018 reformatting Linking

CONTENTS of Saint Peter his Name and his Office

1. To Peter,
2. Prince of the Apostles,
3. The Rock of the Church,
4. Against Which the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail,
5. The Bearer of the Keys,
6. The Binder and Looser On Earth and in Heaven,
7. The Confirmer of His Brethren,
8. The Shepherd of the Fold.

Note these chapters are in the work, but they do not actually correspond to the real chapters. Therefore, the following is the REAL chapter titles…

1. St. Peter, His Name, and His Office as set forth in Holy Scripture
2. Education and Final Designation of Peter to be the Ruler who should confirm his brethren
3. The Investiture of Peter
4. The Correspondence and Equivalence of the Great Texts concerning Peter
5. St. Peter’s Primacy as Exhibited in the Acts
6. Testimony of S. Paul to S. Peter’s Primacy.
7. S. Peter’s Primacy involved in the Fourfold unity of Christ’s Kingdom
8. Summary of Proof Given for S. Peter’s Primacy.

This work is by a Catholic author.


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