Boettner Roman Catholicism

Boettner – Roman Catholicism

Dr. Boettner’s careful and accurate review of Roman Catholic theology (Roman Catholicism) and his thorough and Biblical refutation of it has long been a masterpiece on the subject. The nineteen chapters cover every aspect of Romish belief and are presented here in five sections for the reader’s convenience. Combined with Hislop’s work, no more comprehensive review and exposure of the errors of Rome, their origin and their significance, exists in print.

Dr. Boettner’s careful and accurate review of Roman Catholic theology (Roman Catholicism) and his thorough and Biblical refutation of it has long been a masterpiece on the subject. The nineteen chapters cover every aspect of Romish belief and are presented here in five sections for the reader’s convenience. Combined with Hislop’s work, no more comprehensive review and exposure of the errors of Rome, their origin and their significance, exists in print.

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism
By Lorraine Boettner

Roman Catholicism Page

More Works by Lorraine Boettner

    Table of Contents of Roman Catholicism

    Section I

    1. Introduction
    2. The Church
    3. The Priesthood
    4. Tradition
    5. Peter

    Section II

    6. The Papacy
    7. Mary
    8. The Mass
    9. The Confessional
    10. Purgatory

    Section III

    11. The Infallibility of the Pope & Indulgences
    12. Penance and Indulgences
    13. Ritualism
    14. Celibacy
    15. Marriage

    Section IV

    16. The Parochial School
    17. By What Moral Standard
    18. Intolerance, Bigotry, Persecution
    19. A System Tested by its Fruits


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