Edersheim Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah

Edersheim Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah

Life and Times takes Jesus the Messiah, and examines the New Testament teaching in light of Jewish history and culture

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah

MessiahThe Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
Alfred Edersheim, D. D., Ph. D.

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Messiah. Alfred Edersheim is a Christian of Jewish descendent which is a historigrapher of profound insight into the Jewish religion. This work takes Jesus the Messiah and examines the New Testament teaching in light of Jewish history and culture. This work is probably the best work out there to understanding the Life of Christ, looking at it from a Jewish perspective. Edersheim has abundant information about a tremendous amount of aspects of the Jewish culture. This compared with what the New Testament reveals to us about Christ is of great use for the serious Bible student.

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Biography of Alfred Edersheim

See also Knapp, C.The Kings of Judah and Israel

Contents of Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah


Book 1. Introductory, The Preparation for the Gospel

1. The Jewish World in the Days of Christ
2. The Jewish Dispersion in the West
3. The Old Faith Preparing for the New
4. Philo of Alexandria, the Rabbis, and the Gospels
5. Alexandria and Rome
6. Political and Religious Life of the Jewish Dispersion in the West
7. In Palestine – Jews and Gentiles in
8: Traditionalism, Its Origin, Character, and Literature

Book 2. From the Manger in Bethlehem to the Baptism in Jordan.

1. In Jerusalem when Herod Reigned.
2. The Personal History of Herod – The Two Worlds in Jerusalem.
3. The Annunciation of St. John the Baptist.
4. The Annunciation of Jesus the Messiah, and the Birth of His Forerunner.
5. What Messiah Did the Jews Expect?
6. The Nativity of Jesus the Messiah.
7. The Purification of the Virgin and the Presentation in the Temple.
8. The Visit and Homage of the Magi, and the Flight into Egypt.
9. The Child-Life in Nazareth.
10. In the House of His Heavenly, and in the Home of His Earthly Father
11. In the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius Caesar – A Voice in the Wilderness.
12. The Baptism of Jesus: Its Higher Meaning.

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Book 3. The Ascent: From the River Jordan to the Mount of Transfiguration.

1. The Temptation of Jesus.
2. The Deputation from Jerusalem
3. The Twofold Testimony of John – The First Sabbath of Jesus
4. The Marriage Feast in Cana of Galilee – The Miracle That Is
5. The Cleansing of the Temple –
6. The Teacher Come from God and the Teacher from Jerusalem – Jesus and Nicodemus.
7. In Judaea and Through Samaria – A Sketch of Samaritan History and Theology – Jews and Samaritans.
8. Jesus at the Well of Sychar.
9. The Second Visit to Cana – Cure of the
10. The Synagogue at Nazareth – Synagogue-Worship and Arrangements.
11. The First Galilean Ministry.
12. At the ‘Unknown’ Feast in Jerusalem, and by the Pool of Bethesda
13. By the Sea of Galilee – The Final Call of the First Disciples, and the Miraculous Draught of Fishes.
14. A Sabbath in Capernaum.
15. Second Journey Through Galilee – The Healing of the Leper.
16. The Return to Capernaum – Concerning the Forgiveness of Sins – The Healing of the Paralysed.
17. The Call of Matthew – The Saviour
18. The Sermon on the Mount – The Kingdom of Christ and Rabbinic Teaching.
19. The Return to Capernaum – Healing of the Centurion
20. The Raising of the Young Man of Nain – The Meeting of Life and Death.
21. The Woman Which Was a Sinner.
22. The Ministry of Love, the Blasphemy of Hatred, and the Mistakes of Earthly Affection
23. New Teaching
24. Christ Stills the Storm on the Lake of Galilee.
25. At Gerasa – The Healing of the Demonised.
26. The Healing of the Woman – Christ
27. Second Visit to Nazareth – The Mission of the Twelve.
28. The Story of John the Baptist, from His Last Testimony to Jesus to His Beheading in Prison.
29. The Miraculous Feeding of the Five Thousand
30. The Night of Miracles on the Lake of Gennesaret.
31. The Cavils of the Pharisees
32. The Great Crisis in Popular Feeling
33. Jesus and the Syro-Phoenician Woman
34. A Group of Miracles Among a Semi-Heathen Population
35. The Two Sabbath-Controversies
36. The Feeding of the Four Thousand
37. The Great Confession – The Great Commission

Book 4. The Descent: From the Mount of Transfiguration into the Valley of Humiliation and Death

1. The Transfiguration.
2. On the Morrow of the Transfiguration.
3. The Last Events in Galilee
4. The Journey to Jerusalem
5. Further Incidents of the Journey to Jerusalem
6. At the Feast of Tabernacles – First Discourse in the Temple.
7. In the Last, the Great Day of the Feast.
8. Teaching in the Temple on the Octave of the Feast of Tabernacles.
9. The Healing of the Man Born Blind.
10. The ‘Good Shepherd’ and His ‘One Flock’  Last Discourse at the Feast of Tabernacles
11. The First Peraean Discourses
12. The Morning-Meal in the Pharisee
13. To the Disciples – Two Events and Their Moral.
14. At the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple.
15. The Second Series of Parables
16. The Three Parables of Warning
17. The Three Parables of the Gospel
18. The Unjust Steward – Dives and Lazarus
19. The Three Last Parables of the Peraean Series
20. Christ’s Discourses in Peraea Close of the Peraean Ministry
21. The Death and the Raising of Lazarus
22. On the Journey to Jerusalem – Departure from Ephraim by Way of Samaria and Galilee
23. The Last Incidents in Peraea – The Young Ruler Who Went Away Sorrowful
24. In Jericho and at Bethany

Book 5. The Cross and the Crown.

1. The First Day in Passion-Week – Palm Sunday
2. The Second Day in Passion-Week
3. The Third Day in Passion-Week
4. The Third Day in Passion-Week – The Last Controversies and Discourses
5. The Third Day in Passion-Week – The Last Series of Parables
6. The Evening of the Third Day in Passion-Week
7. Evening of the Third Day in Passion-Week – On the Mount of Olives – Last Parables
8. The Fourth Day in Passion-Week
9. The Fifth Day in Passion-Week
10. The Paschal Supper – The Institution of the Lord
11. The Last Discourses of Christ – The Prayer of Consecration.
12. Gethsemane.
13. Thursday Night – Before Annas and Caiaphas – Peter and Jesus.
14. The Morning of Good Friday.
15. ‘Crucified, Dead, and Buried’
16. On the Resurrection of Christ from the Dead.
17. ‘On the Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead: He Ascended into Heaven’

Book 6. Appendices

1. Pseudepigraphic Writings
2. Philo of Alexandria and Rabbinic Theology
3. Rabbinic Views as to the Lawfulness of Images, Pictorial Representations on Coins, etc.
4. An Abstract of Jewish History from the Reign of Alexander the Great to the Accession of Herod
5. Rabbinic Theology and Literature
6. List of the Maccabees, of the Family of Herod, of the High Priests
7. On the Date of the Nativity of Our Lord
8. Rabbinic Traditions About Elijah, the Forerunner of the Messiah
9. List of Old Testament Passages Messianically Applied in Ancient Rabbinic Writings
10. On the Supposed Temple-Synagogue
11. On the Prophecy, Isa 40:3
12. On the Baptism of Proselytes
13. Jewish Angelology and Demonology. The Fall of the Angels
14. The Law in Messianic Times
15. The Location of Sychar, and the Date of Our Lord
16. On the Jewish Views About
17. The Ordinances and Law of the Sabbath
18. Haggadah About Simeon Kepha (Legend of Simon Peter.)
19. On Eternal Punishment, According to the Rabbis and the New Testament


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