Clarke Adam An Account of the Life of Adam Clarke

Clarke Adam An Account of the Life of Adam Clarke

Clarke Adam An Account of the Life of Adam Clarke is a detailed account of the life and times of Adam Clarke, famous Methodist preacher.

Clarke Adam An Account of the Life of Adam Clarke is a detailed account of the life and times of Adam Clarke, famous Methodist preacher.

Contents Clarke, Adam An Account of the Life of Adam Clarke

The great human family speedily divided into branches . .
The surname of Clarke originated from the office of clerk 38
The knowledge of letters not common in ancient limes in England…….. 38
Withred, king of Kent, A. D. 700, signed a charter of Liberties
with the sign of the Cross, because he could not write 39
Henry the First, the only one of his family that could write . 39
Buldon Book contains a Survey of the Bishoprick of Durham, in 1183…… . .39
Adam, the Clerk, mentioned as tenant in it . 39
Various instances of surnames in that and Domesday, derived from offices and employments, . . ‘ . .39
Different kinds of names among the Romans . At . . 40
Difference between the praenomen, nomen, and cognomen . 40
lngenui among the Romans, the same as gentleman among the English……..41
Family of Clark originally English…..41
Went over to Ireland in the seventeenth century, and settled in the county of Antrim……41
Matrimonial connexions…….41
Hugh Stuart Boyd, allied to the family of Clarke by marriage, and still holds some of the estates . . 42
Short pedigree of the Clarke family …. (note) 42
Anecdote of William Clarke, great-great-grandfather of Adam Clarke……..(note) 42
John Clarke, the great-grandfather, has 19 children,—18 sons and 1 daughter……(note) 42
Horseman Clarke died of hydrophobia in consequence of being spattered with the foam of a mad dog . . (note) 43
The Clarke family lost their estates, in consequence of the absence of a material witness in a trial at law (note) 43
John- Clarke, father of Adam, takes Ids degree of M. A. at Edinburgh and Glasgow……41
Enters as Sizer in Trinity College, Dublin, being intended for the church……..41
His prospects in the church blighted by a premature marriage ……….45
Licensed as a public parish schoolmaster 4o
Marries Miss Hannah Mac Lean, descended from the Mac
Leans of Mull…….45
Feud between the Mac Leans and MacDonalds . .45
Mr. John Clarke embarks for America, with the promise of a professorship in one of the new Universities there . 46
Is prevented from sailing by his father 45
Gets into difficulties in consequence of breaking up his establishment ……… 47
Settles in an obscure village in the county of Derry, called Moybeg……… 47
Adam, his second son, born……. 47
No register of the time of his birth preserved … 47
Tracy Clarke, the eldest son, licensed by the Consistorial Court
of Deny, as a parish schoolmaster . . . .48
Bound apprentice to a surgeon….. 48
Goes to Dublin, and studies anatomy under Dr. Cleghorne, of Trinity College……. 48
Sails in a slave ship to Guinea and the “West Indies . . 48
His journal destroyed by the captain of the ship . . 48
Various instances of cruelty witnessed by him during his voyage…….. . 49
Is disgusted with the horrid nature of the traffic ; abandons
it, and establishes himself as a surgeon, near Liverpool, 50
Adam Clarke very hardy in his infancy….. 51
His uncle, the Rev. J. Mac Lean, remarkable for his strength ……… 52
One of his aunts very diminutive . . . .52
The district remarkable for having produced tall strong men 52
Adam gets well through the small pox by naturally adopting the cool regimen…….. .53
His early religious impressions and conversations with a school-fellow…….. 54
Anecdote of Dr. Barnaul…….. 55
Adam has a horror of becoming fat…… 55
Has his fortune told by a spac-man….. 55
Is a very inapt scholar….. 55
Prediction of a neighbouring schoolmaster concerning him 55
Unfitness of many public teachers for their employment . . 57
Adam abandons his Latin grammar in despair….. 58
Is severely reproved by the master, and taunted by his school-fellows…….. 58
His intellect becomes suddenly enlightened, and he advances
in his learning rapidly…… 58
Reflections upon this sudden revolution … 59
Advice to schoolmasters…… 59
Adam never makes any great progress in arithmetic . . 60
Depressed state of the family……. 60
The prices of various branches of education in Ireland at the latter end of the 18th century…..60
Mr. John Clarke cultivates his farm according to the rules laid down by Virgil in his Georgies…..61
Adam and his brother alternately work in the farm, and instruct each other…….’ . .61
Read the Eclogues and Georgies of Virgil in the midst of scenes similar to those described in that work . . 62
Fragments of a Satire written by Adam on one of his school-fellows………62
Scholia on ditto………64
The love of reading in Adam and his brother becomes intense 64
They lay by their half-pence and pence to buy bonks . 64
A catalogue of their books…….05
Works of imagination useful to young minds …. 66
Adam reads the Pilgrim’s Progress……66
His reflections as a child upon the conduct of Christian in the dungeon……..66
More mature reflections ……67
Becomes an enthusiastic admirer of the Trojan hero, Hector, from hearing his father recite portions of the Iliad 67
Is induced to attempt to obtain a knowledge of occult philosophy ……….68
Forms an acquaintance with a company of travelling tinkers,
who profess to be adepts in magic …. 68
Is deterred from pursuing his magical studies, by reading an answer to a question on that subject in the t; Athenian Oracle”……..69
From the reports spread in the neighbourhood of his supernatural powers, marauders are deterred from robbing
his father’s premises…….69
Receives the first taste for Oriental literature by reading the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments ….. 70
Derives great benefit from reading the adventures of Robinson Crusoe and Aesop’s Fables ….. 71

the table of contents continue until page 235

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