Greenfield – Power from on High (Revival)

This work is about the Great Moravian Revival of 1727. The author is Pentecostal, and projects this revival as starting in 1727 and continuing until the present (in the Pentecostal movement).

Torrey, R.A. – Revival Addresses

Revival Addresses, a 17 Chapter work, is a compilation of Revival sermons by the famous evangelist R.A. Torrey. He touches on God, and his love, Judgment day, God as our refuge, What it costs not to be a Christian, excuses, heroes and cowards, etc.

Owen Decay of Spiritual Affections

John Owen – Decay of Spiritual Affections is a 12 page sermon apparently from a larger book of sermons (starts on page 250+).

Carradine, Beverly – Revival Sermons

In this 12 chapter work on Revival Sermons by Carradine (Nazarene-Methodist), he presents some thoughts about revivals.