Chafer Satan

Chafer – Satan

A 12 Chapter study on the person of Satan by L.S. Chafer (Dallas Seminary). Chapters run the Career of Satan, ages, course of this age, this age and the Satanic system, the Satanic Host, Satan’s motive and methods, the man of sin, the fatal omission, modern devices, the believer’s present position and present victory.

A 12 Chapter study on the person of Satan by L. S. Chafer (Dallas Seminary). Chapters run the Career of_Satan, ages, course of this age, this age and the Satanic system, the Satanic Host, Satan’s motive and methods, the man of sin, the fatal omission, modern devices, the believer’s present position and present victory.

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Note: Some versions of this work in e-Sword and from other theWord repository sites leave out a chapter. I have included this extra chapter that they leave out, because I understand it is in the original work.


Satan_By Lewis Sperry Chafer

Summary of Lewis Sperry Chafer’s Satan

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    Contents of Lewis Sperry Chafer’s work Satan

    Foreword, by Dr. C. I. Scofield (below)
    Author’s Introduction (below)
    1. The Career of_Satan
    2. The Ages
    3. The Course of This Age
    4. This Age and the Satanic System
    5. The Satanic Host
    6. Satan’s Motive
    7. Satan’s Methods
    8. The Man of Sin
    9. The Fatal Omission
    10. Modern Devices
    11. The Believer’s Present Position
    12. The Believer’s Present Victory


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    See the next section below for a complete listing of works.

    More Works on Satan-the Devil

    Tag Cloud on_Satan

    Accuser of the Brethren | Agony of the Devil | Allies of Satan | Angel of Light | Career of Satan | Christ believed in Demons | Course of this Age | Deceptive Spirits | Demon Possession | Demon Temptation | Demon's Origin | Demons | Demons and Swine | Devil | Devil and his temptations | Disciples believed in Demons | Evil Angels | Existence of Satan | Fall of the Angels | Fallen Angels | Fatal Omission | Father of Lies | God of this world | God's Use of Evil Spirits | Holding back the Gospel | Hypnotism | Magnetic Healing | Man of Sin | Modern Devices | Names of Satan | Organization of Fallen Angels | Personality of the Devil | Possessed with Devils | Protection from Demons | Satan | Satan and the Fall of Man | Satan as Tempter | Satan Enemy of Prayer | Satan Myth | Satan opponent of good preaching | Satan opposes our Sanctification | Satan's Attempt to Destroy Christ | Satan's Character | Satan's Counterfeit Gospel | Satan's Deceptive Nature | Satan's Devices | Satan's Fall | Satan's Judgment and End | Satan's Methods | Satan's Motive | Satan's One World-System | Satan's Original Status | Satan's Personality | Satan's Physical Power | Satan's Rebellion | Satan's Sin | Satan's Strategy | Satan's Tactics | Satanic Host | Satanic Plots | Satanic Trinity | send lying spirits | Shaking Spirits | Sowing of Tares | Spirit of Compromise | Spirit of Free Love | Supreme Effort of Satan | The Evil One | This Age and the Satanic System | Victory over Satan | Wandering Spirit | What Satan Fears | Who carries on Satan's Business | Wiles and Temptations | Wiles of Satan | Wiles of the Devil

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    If any word of mine shall add to the number of the readers of this book I shall be glad to have written it; and I sincerely wish that all believers, and especially all ministers and Christian workers, might in some way be led to read it. The subject is vital to any right understanding of the age in which we live, and of the personal conflict which we wage; for the existence, personality, and power of Satan_are awful facts and of immense present significance. We walk in the midst of his snares, hear on every hand his doctrines proclaimed by men of blameless lives “transformed as the ministers of righteousness,” and are allured by the pleasure, place and power of his perfectly organized world-system. I know of no other book on Satan_in which the dispensational aspects of the subject are so clearly stated,
    nor any other so severely Biblical. –CI Scofield

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